
Zhiguo Zhou

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5EEJianhua Jiang, Gaochao Xu, Zhiguo Zhou: A Teaching Model Based on Schema Theory in Data Mining Curriculum. CSSE (5) 2008: 1156-1159
4EENa Luo, Fuyu Yuan, Wanli Zuo, Fengling He, Zhiguo Zhou: Improved Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Algorithm. RSKT 2008: 532-539
3EEJinxin He, Gaochao Xu, Xiaodong Fu, Zhiguo Zhou, Jianhua Jiang: LMCM: Layered Multiple Chaining Model for Authenticating Multicast Streams. SNPD 2008: 206-211
2EEJinxin He, Gaochao Xu, Xiaodong Fu, Zhiguo Zhou: A Hybrid and Efficient Scheme of Multicast Source Authentication. SNPD (2) 2007: 123-125
1 Jinxin He, Gaochao Xu, Zhiguo Zhou, Guannan Gong: A New Approach For Source Authentication Of Multicast Data. Security and Management 2006: 118-121

Coauthor Index

1Xiaodong Fu [2] [3]
2Guannan Gong [1]
3Fengling He [4]
4Jinxin He [1] [2] [3]
5Jianhua Jiang [3] [5]
6Na Luo [4]
7Gaochao Xu [1] [2] [3] [5]
8Fuyu Yuan [4]
9Wanli Zuo [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)