
Sanming Zhou

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30EESanming Zhou: Minimum partition of an independence system into independent sets. Discrete Optimization 6(1): 125-133 (2009)
29EESanming Zhou: A distance-labelling problem for hypercubes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(15): 2846-2854 (2008)
28EENicholas C. Wormald, Sanming Zhou: Large forbidden trade volumes and edge packings of random graphs. Discrete Mathematics 308(13): 2751-2755 (2008)
27EESanming Zhou: On a class of finite symmetric graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 29(3): 630-640 (2008)
26EEGerard J. Chang, Changhong Lu, Sanming Zhou: No-hole 2-distant colorings for Cayley graphs on finitely generated abelian groups. Discrete Mathematics 307(14): 1808-1817 (2007)
25EESanming Zhou: Distance Labelling Problems for Hypercubes and Hamming Graphs - A Survey. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 28: 527-534 (2007)
24EEJinjiang Yuan, Jian Ying Zhang, Sanming Zhou: Routing permutations and involutions on optical ring networks: complexity results and solution to an open problem. J. Discrete Algorithms 5(3): 609-621 (2007)
23EEZaiping Lu, Sanming Zhou: Finite symmetric graphs with two-arc transitive quotients II. Journal of Graph Theory 56(3): 167-193 (2007)
22EEAndrás Telcs, Nicholas C. Wormald, Sanming Zhou: Hamiltonicity of random graphs produced by 2-processes. Random Struct. Algorithms 31(4): 450-481 (2007)
21EEJian Ying Zhang, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Sanming Zhou: Dynamic domination in fuzzy causal networks. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 14(1): 42-57 (2006)
20EESanming Zhou, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Jian Ying Zhang: Fuzzy causal networks: general model, inference, and convergence. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 14(3): 412-420 (2006)
19EEMohammad A. Iranmanesh, Cheryl E. Praeger, Sanming Zhou: Finite symmetric graphs with two-arc transitive quotients. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 94(1): 79-99 (2005)
18EESanming Zhou: Labelling Cayley Graphs on Abelian Groups. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(4): 985-1003 (2005)
17EESanming Zhou: Almost Covers Of 2-Arc Transitive Graphs. Combinatorica 24(4): 731-745 (2004)
16EEJinjiang Yuan, Sanming Zhou: Polynomial Time Solvability Of The Weighted Ring Arc-Loading Problem With Integer Splitting. Journal of Interconnection Networks 5(2): 193-200 (2004)
15EELadislav Stacho, Jozef Sirán, Sanming Zhou: Routing balanced communications on hamilton decomposable networks. Parallel Processing Letters 14(3-4): 377-385 (2004)
14EESanming Zhou: A channel assignment problem for optical networks modelled by Cayley graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 310(1-3): 501-511 (2004)
13EESanming Zhou: Imprimitive symmetric graphs, 3-arc graphs and 1-designs. Discrete Mathematics 244(1-3): 521-537 (2002)
12EECai Heng Li, Cheryl E. Praeger, Akshay Venkatesh, Sanming Zhou: Finite locally-quasiprimitive graphs. Discrete Mathematics 246(1-3): 197-218 (2002)
11EEMan-Keung Siu, Zhongfu Zhang, Sanming Zhou: An inequality between the diameter and the inverse dual degree of a tree. Discrete Mathematics 259(1-3): 351-358 (2002)
10EESanming Zhou: Constructing a Class of Symmetric Graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 23(6): 741-760 (2002)
9EESheng Bau, Nicholas C. Wormald, Sanming Zhou: Decycling numbers of random regular graphs. Random Struct. Algorithms 21(3-4): 397-413 (2002)
8EECai Heng Li, Sanming Zhou: On Isomorphisms of Minimal Cayley Graphs and Digraphs. Graphs and Combinatorics 17(2): 307-314 (2001)
7EESanming Zhou: Bounding the bandwidths for graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 249(2): 357-368 (2000)
6EEBeifang Chen, Sanming Zhou: Domination number and neighbourhood conditions. Discrete Mathematics 195(1-3): 81-91 (1999)
5EESanming Zhou: A sequential coloring algorithm for finite sets. Discrete Mathematics 199(1-3): 291-297 (1999)
4EESanming Zhou, Jinjiang Yuan: Harper-type lower bounds and the bandwidths of the compositions of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 181(1-3): 255-266 (1998)
3EESanming Zhou: Interpolation theorems for graphs, hypergraphs and matroids. Discrete Mathematics 185(1-3): 221-229 (1998)
2EEBeifang Chen, Sanming Zhou: Upper bounds for f-domination number of graphs, . Discrete Mathematics 185(1-3): 239-243 (1998)
1EESanming Zhou: Matroid tree graphs and interpolation theorems. Discrete Mathematics 137(1-3): 395-397 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Sheng Bau [9]
2Gerard J. Chang [26]
3Beifang Chen [2] [6]
4Mohammad A. Iranmanesh [19]
5Cai Heng Li [8] [12]
6Zhi-Qiang Liu [20] [21]
7Changhong Lu [26]
8Zaiping Lu [23]
9Cheryl E. Praeger [12] [19]
10Jozef Sirán [15]
11Man-Keung Siu [11]
12Ladislav Stacho [15]
13András Telcs [22]
14Akshay Venkatesh [12]
15Nicholas C. Wormald [9] [22] [28]
16Jinjiang Yuan [4] [16] [24]
17Jian Ying Zhang [20] [21] [24]
18Zhongfu Zhang [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)