
Luying Zhou

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19EEKrishanthmohan Ratnam, Mohan Gurusamy, Luying Zhou: Differentiated survivability with improved fairness in IP/MPLS-over-WDM optical networks. Computer Networks 53(5): 634-649 (2009)
18EEXu Shao, Luying Zhou, Xiaofei Cheng, Weiguo Zheng, Yixin Wang: Best Effort Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) Failure Protection in WDM Networks. ICC 2008: 5150-5154
17EEChava Vijaya Saradhi, Gollu Suresh Kumar, Luying Zhou, Gurusamy Mohan: A Fast and Efficient Segmented Signalling Protocol for GMPLS/WDM Optical Networks. ICC 2008: 5422-5426
16EEKrishanthmohan Ratnam, Mohan Gurusamy, Luying Zhou: Differentiated Survivability Framework and Modeling for Heterogeneous Grooming Optical Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 2320-2324
15EELuying Zhou, Xu Shao, Teck Yoong Chai, Chava Vijaya Saradhi, Yixin Wang: iOPEN Network: Operation Mechanisms and Experimental Study. ICC 2007: 2146-2150
14EEXu Shao, Luying Zhou, Weiguo Zheng, Yixin Wang: Providing Differentiated Quality-of-Protection for Surviving Double-Link Failures in WDM Mesh Networks. ICC 2007: 2180-2185
13EEChava Vijaya Saradhi, Gurusamy Mohan, Luying Zhou: Distributed network control for establishing reliability-constrained least-cost lightpaths in WDM Mesh networks. Computer Communications 30(7): 1546-1561 (2007)
12EEChava Vijaya Saradhi, Mohan Gurusamy, Luying Zhou: Segment-Based Partial Protection Scheme for Routing Reliability Guaranteed Connections in WDM Optical Networks. BROADNETS 2006
11EEKrishanthmohan Ratnam, Mohan Gurusamy, Luying Zhou: Rerouting Schemes with Inter-layer Backup Resource Sharing for Differentiated Survivability in IP-over-WDM Optical Networks. LCN 2006: 451-458
10 Luying Zhou, Teck Yoong Chai, Xu Shao, Chava Vijaya Saradhi, Kumaran Veerayah, Yixin Wang, Chao Lu: iOPEN testbed for dynamic resource provisioning in metro ethernet networks. TRIDENTCOM 2006
9EEWilson Yong Hong Wang, Heng Ngi Yeo, Yao Long Zhu, Tow Chong Chong, Teck Yoong Chai, Luying Zhou, Jit Bitwas: Design and development of Ethernet-based storage area network protocol. Computer Communications 29(9): 1271-1283 (2006)
8EEKrishanthmohan Ratnam, Luying Zhou, Mohan Gurusamy: Efficient multi-layer operational strategies for survivable IP-over-WDM networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(S-8): 16-31 (2006)
7 Krishanthmohan Ratnam, Mohan Gurusamy, Luying Zhou: Differentiated QoS routing of restorable sub-lambda connections in IP-over-WDM networks using a multilayer protection approach. BROADNETS 2005: 137-146
6EECai Ming, Luying Zhou, Mohan Gurusamy: Dynamic Routing of Dependable Connections with Different QoP Grades in WDM Optical Networks. ISCC 2005: 532-537
5EEPeng Ma, Luying Zhou, Gurusamy Mohan: Dynamic Routing of Reliability-Differentiated Connections in WDM Optical Networks. LCN 2005: 190-199
4EEChava Vijaya Saradhi, Luying Zhou, Mohan Gurusamy, C. Siva Ram Murthy: Distributed Network Control for Establishing Reliability-Constrained Least-Cost Lightpaths in WDM Mesh Networks. ISCC 2003: 678-683
3EELuying Zhou, Pat S. Y. Chan, R. Radhakrishna Pillai: Effect of TCP/LLC protocol interaction in GPRS networks. Computer Communications 25(5): 501-506 (2002)
2EESalim Hariri, Pramod K. Varshney, Luying Zhou, Haibo Xu, Shihab Ghaya: A Hierarchical Analysis Approach for High Performance Computing and Communication Applications. HICSS 1999
1EEChunming Qiao, Luying Zhou: Establishing switch-disjoint connections in stage-controlled Banyans. ISPAN 1996: 110-116

Coauthor Index

1Jit Bitwas [9]
2Teck Yoong Chai [9] [10] [15]
3Pat S. Y. Chan [3]
4Xiaofei Cheng [18]
5Tow Chong Chong [9]
6Shihab Ghaya [2]
7Salim Hariri [2]
8Gollu Suresh Kumar [17]
9Chao Lu [10]
10Peng Ma [5]
11Cai Ming [6]
12Gurusamy Mohan (Mohan Gurusamy, G. Mohan) [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [13] [16] [17] [19]
13C. Siva Ram Murthy [4]
14R. Radhakrishna Pillai [3]
15Chunming Qiao [1]
16Krishanthmohan Ratnam [7] [8] [11] [16] [19]
17Chava Vijaya Saradhi [4] [10] [12] [13] [15] [17]
18Xu Shao [10] [14] [15] [18]
19Pramod K. Varshney [2]
20Kumaran Veerayah [10]
21Wilson Yong Hong Wang [9]
22Yixin Wang [10] [14] [15] [18]
23Haibo Xu [2]
24Heng Ngi Yeo [9]
25Weiguo Zheng [14] [18]
26Yao Long Zhu [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)