
Qinfen Zheng

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24EEYang Ran, Gavin Rosenbush, Qinfen Zheng: Computational approaches for real-time extraction of soft biometrics. ICPR 2008: 1-4
23EEYang Ran, Isaac Weiss, Qinfen Zheng, Larry S. Davis: Pedestrian Detection via Periodic Motion Analysis. International Journal of Computer Vision 71(2): 143-160 (2007)
22EEYang Ran, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng: Finding Gait in Space and Time. ICPR (4) 2006: 586-589
21EEMohamed F. Abdelkader, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng, LipChen Alex Chan: Integrated Motion Detection and Tracking for Visual Surveillance. ICVS 2006: 28
20EEAswin C. Sankaranarayanan, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng: Tracking objects in video using motion and appearance models. ICIP (2) 2005: 394-397
19EEYang Ran, Qinfen Zheng, Isaac Weiss, Larry S. Davis, Wael Abd-Almageed, Liang Zhao: Pedestrian classification from moving platforms using cyclic motion pattern. ICIP (2) 2005: 854-857
18EEGang Qian, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng: Bayesian algorithms for simultaneous structure from motion estimation of multiple independently moving objects. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14(1): 94-109 (2005)
17 Jianhua Xuan, Yue Wang, Qinfen Zheng, Tülay Adali: A discontinuity-embedded deformable model for surface modeling. Circuits, Signals, and Systems 2004: 273-277
16EEGang Qian, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng: Robust bayesian cameras motion estimation using random sampling. ICIP 2004: 1361-1364
15EEJie Shao, Shaohua Kevin Zhou, Qinfen Zheng: Robust Appearance-Based Tracking of Moving Object from Moving Platform. ICPR (4) 2004: 215-218
14 Gang Qian, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng: Bayesian structure from motion using inertial information. ICIP (3) 2002: 425-428
13EEGang Qian, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng: A Bayesian Approach to Simultaneous Motion Estimation of Multiple Independently Moving Objects. ICPR (3) 2002: 309-
12EEBaoxin Li, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng, Sandor Z. Der, Nasser M. Nasrabadi, LipChen Alex Chan, Lin-Cheng Wang: Experimental Evaluation of FLIR ATR Approaches - A Comparative Study. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 84(1): 5-24 (2001)
11EEQinfen Zheng, Sandor Z. Der, Hesham Ibrahim Mahmoud: Model-based target recognition in pulsed ladar imagery. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(4): 565-572 (2001)
10EEBaoxin Li, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng, Sandor Z. Der: Model-based temporal object verification using video. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(6): 897-908 (2001)
9 Gang Qian, Qinfen Zheng, Rama Chellappa: Reduction of Inherent Ambiguities in Structure from Motion Problem Using Inertial Data. ICIP 2000
8EEQinfen Zheng, Sandor Z. Der, Rama Chellappa: Model-Based Target Recognition in Pulsed Ladar Imagery. CVPR 1998: 515-520
7EEYing Wang, Qinfen Zheng: Recognition of roads and bridges in SAR images. Pattern Recognition 31(7): 953-962 (1998)
6EEJianhua Xuan, Yue Wang, Tülay Adali, Qinfen Zheng: A Deformable Surface-Spine Model for 3-D Surface Registration. ICIP (3) 1997: 236-239
5EEQinfen Zheng, Rama Chellappa: Automatic feature point extraction and tracking in image sequences for arbitrary camera motion. International Journal of Computer Vision 15(1-2): 31-76 (1995)
4EETing-Hu Wu, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng: Experiments on estimating egomotion and structure parameters using long monocular image sequences. International Journal of Computer Vision 15(1-2): 77-103 (1995)
3 Qinfen Zheng, Rama Chellappa: Automatic Registration of Oblique Aerial Images. ICIP (1) 1994: 218-222
2EEQinfen Zheng, Rama Chellappa: A computational vision approach to image registration. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2(3): 311-326 (1993)
1EEQinfen Zheng, Rama Chellappa: Estimation of Illuminant Direction, Albedo, and Shape from Shading. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(7): 680-702 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Wael Abd-Almageed [19]
2Mohamed F. Abdelkader [21]
3Tülay Adali [6] [17]
4LipChen Alex Chan [12] [21]
5Rama Chellappa [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [16] [18] [20] [21] [22]
6Larry S. Davis [19] [23]
7Sandor Z. Der [8] [10] [11] [12]
8Baoxin Li [10] [12]
9Hesham Ibrahim Mahmoud [11]
10Nasser M. Nasrabadi [12]
11Gang Qian [9] [13] [14] [16] [18]
12Yang Ran [19] [22] [23] [24]
13Gavin Rosenbush [24]
14Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan [20]
15Jie Shao [15]
16Lin-Cheng Wang [12]
17Ying Wang [7]
18Yue Wang [6] [17]
19Isaac Weiss [19] [23]
20Ting-Hu Wu [4]
21Jianhua Xuan [6] [17]
22Liang Zhao [19]
23Shaohua Kevin Zhou [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)