
Xiang Zhao

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3EEYing Zhang, Houkuan Huang, Youli Qu, Xiang Zhao: Semantic Service Discovery with QoS Measurement in Universal Network. RSEISP 2007: 707-715
2EEXiang Zhao, Myoung Seob Lim: A Novel Synchronization Scheme for OFDM WLANs Using Cyclic-Shifted Preamble. ISCC 2006: 23-28
1 W. Melody Moh, Liming Xiang, Xiang Zhao: Extending BGMP for QoS-Based Inter-Domain Multicasting over the Internet. ICC (2) 2000: 728-734

Coauthor Index

1Houkuan Huang [3]
2Myoung Seob Lim [2]
3W. Melody Moh [1]
4Youli Qu [3]
5Liming Xiang [1]
6Ying Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)