
Ruiqing Zhao

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23EETao Huang, Ruiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang: Risk model with fuzzy random individual claim amount. European Journal of Operational Research 192(3): 879-890 (2009)
22EEQiang Shen, Ruiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang: Random fuzzy alternating renewal processes. Soft Comput. 13(2): 139-147 (2009)
21EEQiang Shen, Ruiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang: Modeling Random Fuzzy Renewal Reward Processes. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 16(5): 1379-1385 (2008)
20EEJiashun Zhang, Ruiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang: Fuzzy age-dependent replacement policy and SPSA algorithm based-on fuzzy simulation. Inf. Sci. 178(2): 573-583 (2008)
19EECheng Wang, Wansheng Tang, Ruiqing Zhao: Static Bayesian games with finite fuzzy types and the existence of equilibrium. Inf. Sci. 178(24): 4688-4698 (2008)
18EEJunyan Wang, Ruiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang: Supply chain coordination by revenue-sharing contract with fuzzy demand. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 19(6): 409-420 (2008)
17EEXin Fu, Qiang Shen, Ruiqing Zhao: Towards Fuzzy Compositional Modelling. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
16EEJinli Zhang, Wansheng Tang, Cheng Wang, Ruiqing Zhao: Fuzzy Dynamic Portfolio Selection for Survival. ICIC (1) 2007: 34-45
15EERuiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang: Redundancy Optimization Problems with Uncertain Lifetimes. Computational Intelligence in Reliability Engineering 2007: 329-374
14EEYing Liu, Wansheng Tang, Ruiqing Zhao: Reliability and Mean Time to Failure of Unrepairable Systems With Fuzzy Random Lifetimes. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 15(5): 1009-1026 (2007)
13EELixin Cui, Ruiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang: Principal-Agent Problem in a Fuzzy Environment. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 15(6): 1230-1237 (2007)
12EEShunqin Li, Ruiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang: Fuzzy random delayed renewal process and fuzzy random equilibrium renewal process. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 18(2): 149-156 (2007)
11EELin Xu, Ruiqing Zhao, Yufu Ning: Two-Person Zero-Sum Matrix Game with Fuzzy Random Payoffs. ICIC (2) 2006: 809-818
10EERuiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang, Huaili Yun: Random fuzzy renewal process. European Journal of Operational Research 169(1): 189-201 (2006)
9EESong Xu, Jiashun Zhang, Ruiqing Zhao: Random Fuzzy Age-Dependent Replacement Policy. FSKD (1) 2005: 336-339
8EERuiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang, Guofei Li: A Theorem for Fuzzy Random Alternating Renewal Processes. FSKD (1) 2005: 340-349
7EELin Xu, Ruiqing Zhao, Tingting Shu: Three Equilibrium Strategies for Two-Person Zero-Sum Game with Fuzzy Payoffs. FSKD (1) 2005: 350-354
6EERui Wu, Wansheng Tang, Ruiqing Zhao: Web Mining of Preferred Traversal Patterns in Fuzzy Environments. RSFDGrC (2) 2005: 456-465
5 Rui Wu, Wansheng Tang, Ruiqing Zhao: An Efficient Algorithm for Fuzzy Web-Mining. IRI 2004: 576-581
4EERuiqing Zhao, Baoding Liu: Redundancy optimization problems with uncertainty of combining randomness and fuzziness. European Journal of Operational Research 157(3): 716-735 (2004)
3EERuiqing Zhao, Baoding Liu: Stochastic programming models for general redundancy-optimization problems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(2): 181-191 (2003)
2EERuiqing Zhao, Baoding Liu: Renewal Process with Fuzzy Interarrival Times and Rewards. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 11(5): 573-586 (2003)
1 Ruiqing Zhao, Kaoping Song, Jianhua Zhu: Redundancy Optimization Problems With Fuzzy Random Lifetimes. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 288-291

Coauthor Index

1Lixin Cui [13]
2Xin Fu [17]
3Tao Huang [23]
4Guofei Li [8]
5Shunqin Li [12]
6Baoding Liu [2] [3] [4]
7Ying Liu [14]
8Yufu Ning [11]
9Qiang Shen [17] [21] [22]
10Tingting Shu [7]
11Kaoping Song [1]
12Wansheng Tang [5] [6] [8] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
13Cheng Wang [16] [19]
14Junyan Wang [18]
15Rui Wu [5] [6]
16Lin Xu [7] [11]
17Song Xu [9]
18Huaili Yun [10]
19Jiashun Zhang [9] [20]
20Jinli Zhang [16]
21Jianhua Zhu [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)