
Rui Wu

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7EERui Wu: Clustering Web Access Patterns Based on Hybrid Approach. FSKD (1) 2008: 52-56
6EERui Wu: An anti-periodic LaSalle oscillation theorem. Appl. Math. Lett. 21(9): 928-933 (2008)
5EERui Wu: An Evolutionary Approach for Clustering User Access Patterns from Web Logs. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 1184-1188
4EERui Wu, Wansheng Tang, Ruiqing Zhao: Web Mining of Preferred Traversal Patterns in Fuzzy Environments. RSFDGrC (2) 2005: 456-465
3 Rui Wu, Wansheng Tang, Ruiqing Zhao: An Efficient Algorithm for Fuzzy Web-Mining. IRI 2004: 576-581
2 Mary Jean Harrold, Gregg Rothermel, Kent Sayre, Rui Wu, Liu Yi: An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship Between Spectra Differences and Regression Faults. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 10(3): 171-194 (2000)
1EEMary Jean Harrold, Gregg Rothermel, Rui Wu, Liu Yi: An Empirical Investigation of Program Spectra. PASTE 1998: 83-90

Coauthor Index

1Mary Jean Harrold [1] [2]
2Gregg Rothermel [1] [2]
3Kent Sayre [2]
4Wansheng Tang [3] [4]
5Liu Yi [1] [2]
6Ruiqing Zhao [3] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)