
Cheng Zhao

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9EEJun Li, Wen Chen, Cheng Zhao, Xiaoting Yang, Xinbing Wang: On the Throughput-Reliability Tradeoff Analysis in Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Channels. ICC 2008: 1034-1038
8EEYuejian Peng, Cheng Zhao: Generating non-jumping numbers recursively. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(10): 1856-1864 (2008)
7EEJiping Liu, Yuejian Peng, Cheng Zhao: Characterization of P6-free graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(8): 1038-1043 (2007)
6EEYong Zhao, Cheng Zhao, Jianzhong Cha: Individual Product Customization Based On Multi-agent Technology. WSC 2004: 805-814
5EEYong Zhao, Cheng Zhao, Jianzhong Cha: An Intelligent Design Method of Product Scheme Innovation. WSC 2004: 815-824
4EEAnthony J. W. Hilton, Fred C. Holroyd, Cheng Zhao: The Overfull Conjecture and the Conformability Conjecture. Discrete Mathematics 241(1-3): 343-361 (2001)
3EEGeorge He, Jiping Liu, Cheng Zhao: Approximation Algorithms for Some Graph Partitioning Problems. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 4(2): (2000)
2 Dai Wang, Cheng Zhao, Rong Cheng, Fengzhu Sun: Estimation of the Mutation Rate During Error-prone Polymerase Chain Reaction. Journal of Computational Biology 7(1-2): 143-158 (2000)
1EEJiping Liu, Cheng Zhao: A new bound on the feedback vertex sets in cubic graphs. Discrete Mathematics 148(1-3): 119-131 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Jianzhong Cha [5] [6]
2Wen Chen [9]
3Rong Cheng [2]
4George He [3]
5Anthony J. W. Hilton [4]
6Fred C. Holroyd [4]
7Jun Li [9]
8Jiping Liu [1] [3] [7]
9Yuejian Peng [7] [8]
10Fengzhu Sun [2]
11Dai Wang [2]
12Xinbing Wang [9]
13Xiaoting Yang [9]
14Yong Zhao [5] [6]

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