
Xueying Zhang

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8EEXueying Zhang, Yueling Guo, Xuemei Hou: A Speech Recognition Method of Isolated Words Based on Modified LPC Cepstrum. GrC 2007: 481-484
7EEXueying Zhang, Gaoyun Li, Feng Qiao: A Speech Endpoint Detection Algorithm Based on Entropy and RBF Neural Network. GrC 2007: 506-509
6 Xueying Zhang, Jing Bai, Gaofeng Zhao: A Speech Endpoint Detection Method Based on Wavelet Coefficient Variance. IC-AI 2006: 332-336
5EEXueying Zhang, Wuzhou Liang: A Robust Speech Recognition Based on the Feature of Weighting Combination ZCPA. ICICIC (3) 2006: 361-364
4EEXueying Zhang, Zhefeng Zhao, Gaofeng Zhao: A Speech Endpoint Detection Method Based on Wavelet Coefficient Variance and Sub-Band Amplitude Variance. ICICIC (3) 2006: 83-86
3EEXueying Zhang, Jing Bai: The Speech Recognition Based on the Bark Wavelet and CZCPA Features. IROS 2006: 318-321
2EEXueying Zhang: Concept integration of document databases using different indexing languages. Inf. Process. Manage. 42(1): 121-135 (2006)
1EEXueying Zhang, Zhiping Jiao, Zhefeng Zhao: The Speech Recognition Based on the Bark Wavelet Front-End Processing. FSKD (2) 2005: 302-305

Coauthor Index

1Jing Bai [3] [6]
2Yueling Guo [8]
3Xuemei Hou [8]
4Zhiping Jiao [1]
5Gaoyun Li [7]
6Wuzhou Liang [5]
7Feng Qiao [7]
8Gaofeng Zhao [4] [6]
9Zhefeng Zhao [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)