
Xinpeng Zhang

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15EEXinpeng Zhang, Yasuhito Asano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa: Visualized Elucidations of Ranking by Exploiting Object Relations. ICDE 2009: 1576-1579
14EEXinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang: Fragile watermarking scheme using a hierarchical mechanism. Signal Processing 89(4): 675-679 (2009)
13EEWeiming Zhang, Xinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang: Maximizing Steganographic Embedding Efficiency by Combining Hamming Codes and Wet Paper Codes. Information Hiding 2008: 60-71
12EEChung-Chuan Wang, Chin-Chen Chang, Xinpeng Zhang, Jinn-ke Jan: Senary Huffman Compression - A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Binary Images. MCAM 2007: 351-360
11EEXinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang: Information capacity of quantization steganography in the presence of active attack. MMM 2006
10EEXinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang: Watermarking Protocol Compatible with Secret Algorithms for Resisting Invertibility Attack. KES (2) 2005: 1134-1144
9EEXinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang: Analysis of Parity Assignment Steganography in Palette Images. KES (3) 2005: 1025-1031
8EEXinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang: Stego-Encoding with Error Correction Capability. IEICE Transactions 88-A(12): 3663-3667 (2005)
7EEXinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang: Vulnerability of pixel-value differencing steganography to histogram analysis and modification for enhanced security. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(3): 331-339 (2004)
6EEXinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang: Invertibility attack against watermarking based on forged algorithm and a countermeasure. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(8): 967-973 (2004)
5EEKaiwen Zhang, Shuozhong Wang, Xinpeng Zhang: Detection and Removal of Hidden Data in Images Embedded with Quantization Index Modulation. MMM-ACNS 2003: 360-370
4EEShuozhong Wang, Xinpeng Zhang, Kaiwen Zhang: Data Hiding in Digital Audio by Frequency Domain Dithering. MMM-ACNS 2003: 383-394
3EEXinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang, Kaiwen Zhang: Steganography with Least Histogram Abnormality. MMM-ACNS 2003: 395-406
2EEXinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang, Kaiwen Zhang: Multi-bit Watermarking Scheme Based on Addition of Orthogonal Sequences. MMM-ACNS 2003: 407-418
1EEXinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang: Watermarking scheme capable of resisting attacks based on availability of inserter. Signal Processing 82(11): 1801-1804 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Yasuhito Asano [15]
2Chin-Chen Chang [12]
3Jinn-ke Jan [12]
4Chung-Chuan Wang [12]
5Shuozhong Wang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14]
6Masatoshi Yoshikawa [15]
7Kaiwen Zhang [2] [3] [4] [5]
8Weiming Zhang [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)