
Ran Zhang

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5EEKai Zhang, Ran Zhang, Yunguang Yin, Shi Yu: Domain decomposition methods for linear and semilinear elliptic stochastic partial differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 195(2): 630-640 (2008)
4EEYongkui Zou, Qingwan Hu, Ran Zhang: On numerical studies of multi-point boundary value problem and its fold bifurcation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 185(1): 527-537 (2007)
3EELiguo Weng, Wenchan Cai, Ran Zhang, Yongduan Song: Bio-Inspired Control Approach to Multiple Spacecraft Formation Flying. e-Science 2006: 120
2EEJingsha He, Ran Zhang: Towards a Formal Framework for Distributed Identity Management. APWeb 2005: 913-924
1EEYongduan Song, Xiao H. Liao, M. D. Gheorghiu, Ran Zhang, Yao Li: Control of Reusable Launch Vehicle Using Neuro-adaptive Approach. ISNN (3) 2005: 192-197

Coauthor Index

1Wenchan Cai [3]
2M. D. Gheorghiu [1]
3Jingsha He [2]
4Qingwan Hu [4]
5Yao Li [1]
6Xiao H. Liao [1]
7Yongduan Song [1] [3]
8Liguo Weng [3]
9Yunguang Yin [5]
10Shi Yu [5]
11Kai Zhang [5]
12Yongkui Zou [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)