
Li-bao Zhang

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9EEZhongni Wang, Xianchuan Yu, Li-bao Zhang: A Remote Sensing Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Ordinal Fast Independent Component Analysis. WKDD 2008: 142-145
8EELi-bao Zhang, Ming-quan Zhou: Embedded Reversible Medical Image Compression Using Integer Wavelet Transform. ICIC (2) 2006: 620-624
7EELi-bao Zhang, Xianchuan Yu, Shi-hong Wang: New Region of Interest Image Coding Based on Multiple Bitplanes Up-Down Shift Using Improved SPECK Algorithm. ICICIC (3) 2006: 629-632
6EELi-bao Zhang, Xianchuan Yu: Multiple Regions of Interest Image Coding using Compensation Scheme and Alternating Shift. ICPR (3) 2006: 758-761
5EELi-bao Zhang, Xian-zhong Han: New Region of Interest Medical Image Coding for JPEG2000: Compensation-Based Partial Bitplane Alternating Shift. IWICPAS 2006: 455-464
4EELi-bao Zhang: Region of Interest Image Coding using IWT and Partial Bitplane Block Shift for Network Applications. CIT 2005: 624-628
3EELi-bao Zhang: A New Region of Interest Image Coding for Narrowband Network: Partial Bitplane Alternating Shift. NPC 2005: 425-432
2EELi-bao Zhang, Ke Wang: Efficient Lossy to Lossless Medical Image Compression Using Integer Wavelet Transform and Multiple Subband Decomposition. MIAR 2004: 86-93
1EELi-bao Zhang, Ke Wang: New Regions of Interest Image Coding Using Up-Down Bitplanes Shift for Network Applications. NPC 2004: 513-516

Coauthor Index

1Xian-zhong Han [5]
2Ke Wang [1] [2]
3Shi-hong Wang [7]
4Zhongni Wang [9]
5Xianchuan Yu [6] [7] [9]
6Ming-quan Zhou [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)