
Cun-Hui Zhang

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4EEM. A. Lindquist, Cun-Hui Zhang, G. Glover, L. Shepp, Q. X. Yang: A generalization of the two-dimensional prolate spheroidal wave function method for nonrectilinear MRI data acquisition methods. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(9): 2792-2804 (2006)
3EEOfer Melnik, Yehuda Vardi, Cun-Hui Zhang: A Probability Model for Combining Ranks. Multiple Classifier Systems 2005: 64-73
2EEFabien Viger, Alain Barrat, Luca Dall'Asta, Cun-Hui Zhang, Eric D. Kolaczyk: Network Inference from TraceRoute Measurements: Internet Topology `Species' CoRR abs/cs/0510007: (2005)
1EEOfer Melnik, Yehuda Vardi, Cun-Hui Zhang: Mixed Group Ranks: Preference and Confidence in Classifier Combination. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(8): 973-981 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Alain Barrat [2]
2Luca Dall'Asta [2]
3G. Glover [4]
4Eric D. Kolaczyk [2]
5M. A. Lindquist [4]
6Ofer Melnik [1] [3]
7L. Shepp [4]
8Yehuda Vardi [1] [3]
9Fabien Viger [2]
10Q. X. Yang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)