
Luca Dall'Asta

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15EELuca Dall'Asta, A. Ramezanpour, Riccardo Zecchina: Entropy landscape and non-Gibbs solutions in constraint satisfaction problems CoRR abs/0801.2890: (2008)
14EELuca Dall'Asta: Dynamic Exploration of Networks: from general principles to the traceroute process CoRR abs/0706.3768: (2007)
13EELuca Dall'Asta, Andrea Baronchelli: Microscopic activity patterns in the Naming Game CoRR abs/cond-mat/0606125: (2006)
12EEAndrea Baronchelli, Luca Dall'Asta, Alain Barrat, Vittorio Loreto: Non-equilibrium phase transition in negotiation dynamics CoRR abs/cond-mat/0611717: (2006)
11EELuca Dall'Asta, J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Alain Barrat, Alexei Vázquez, Alessandro Vespignani: Exploring networks with traceroute-like probes: Theory and simulations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 355(1): 6-24 (2006)
10EEJ. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Luca Dall'Asta, Alain Barrat, Alessandro Vespignani: Large scale networks fingerprinting and visualization using the k-core decomposition. NIPS 2005
9EEJ. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Luca Dall'Asta, Alain Barrat, Alessandro Vespignani: k-core decomposition: a tool for the visualization of large scale networks CoRR abs/cs/0504107: (2005)
8EEFabien Viger, Alain Barrat, Luca Dall'Asta, Cun-Hui Zhang, Eric D. Kolaczyk: Network Inference from TraceRoute Measurements: Internet Topology `Species' CoRR abs/cs/0510007: (2005)
7EEJ. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Luca Dall'Asta, Alain Barrat, Alessandro Vespignani: k-core decomposition: a tool for the analysis of large scale Internet graphs CoRR abs/cs/0511007: (2005)
6EEAndrea Baronchelli, Luca Dall'Asta, Alain Barrat, Vittorio Loreto: Strategies for fast convergence in semiotic dynamics CoRR abs/physics/0511201: (2005)
5EEAndrea Baronchelli, Luca Dall'Asta, Alain Barrat, Vittorio Loreto: Topology Induced Coarsening in Language Games CoRR abs/physics/0512045: (2005)
4EEKaty Börner, Luca Dall'Asta, Weimao Ke, Alessandro Vespignani: Studying the emerging global brain: Analyzing and visualizing the impact of co-authorship teams. Complexity 10(4): 57-67 (2005)
3EELuca Dall'Asta, J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Alain Barrat, Alexei Vázquez, Alessandro Vespignani: Traceroute-Like Exploration of Unknown Networks: A Statistical Analysis. CAAN 2004: 140-153
2EELuca Dall'Asta, J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Alain Barrat, Alexei Vázquez, Alessandro Vespignani: Exploring networks with traceroute-like probes: theory and simulations CoRR abs/cs/0412007: (2004)
1EELuca Dall'Asta, J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Alain Barrat, Alexei Vázquez, Alessandro Vespignani: A statistical approach to the traceroute-like exploration of networks: theory and simulations CoRR cond-mat/0406404: (2004)

Coauthor Index

1J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin [1] [2] [3] [7] [9] [10] [11]
2Andrea Baronchelli [5] [6] [12] [13]
3Alain Barrat [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
4Katy Börner [4]
5Weimao Ke [4]
6Eric D. Kolaczyk [8]
7Vittorio Loreto [5] [6] [12]
8A. Ramezanpour [15]
9Alexei Vázquez [1] [2] [3] [11]
10Alessandro Vespignani [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [9] [10] [11]
11Fabien Viger [8]
12Riccardo Zecchina [15]
13Cun-Hui Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)