
Guangzhou Zeng

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10EELei Gao, Guangzhou Zeng: Dynamic Testing Algorithm Based on Rough Sets for Multiple Fault Diagnosis. FSKD (3) 2008: 157-163
9EEFei Liu, Guangzhou Zeng: An online multi-agent co-operative learning algorithm in POMDPs. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 20(4): 335-344 (2008)
8EEFei Liu, Guangzhou Zeng: Multi-agent Cooperative Learning Research Based on Reinforcement Learning. CSCWD 2006: 1408-1413
7EEFei Liu, Guangzhou Zeng: A Multiagent Cooperative Learning Algorithm. CSCWD (Selected Papers) 2006: 739-750
6EEZhaoxia Lu, Dongming Liu, Guangzhou Zeng, Gongping Yang: The Communication Model of Migrating Workflow System. PRIMA 2006: 496-501
5EEZhaoxia Lu, Guangzhou Zeng, Yaping Zhong, Gongping Yang: Enable Efficient Stage Construction for Replication based Fault-tolerant Execution of Mobile Agent. ICEBE 2005: 42-47
4EEZhaoxia Lu, Guangzhou Zeng, Gongping Yang: Reliable and Efficient Communication Model of Migrating Instance to Enable Self-organization of Dynamic Alliance. ICEBE 2005: 481-487
3EEHong Wang, Guangzhou Zeng, Shouxun Lin: A Strong Migration Method of Mobile Agents Based on Java. CSCWD 2001: 313-318
2 Jicheng Ren, Guangzhou Zeng, Shenquan Liu: Interactive Particle Tracing Algorithm for Unstructured Grids. ICSC 1995: 59-65
1EEGuangzhou Zeng, Richard C. Dubes: A comparison of tests for randomness. Pattern Recognition 18(2): 191-198 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Richard C. Dubes [1]
2Lei Gao [10]
3Shouxun Lin [3]
4Dongming Liu [6]
5Fei Liu [7] [8] [9]
6Shenquan Liu [2]
7Zhaoxia Lu [4] [5] [6]
8Jicheng Ren [2]
9Hong Wang [3]
10Gongping Yang [4] [5] [6]
11Yaping Zhong [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)