
Richard C. Dubes

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23EEQian Huang, Jacob R. Lorch, Richard C. Dubes: Can the fractal dimension of images be measured? Pattern Recognition 27(3): 339-349 (1994)
22EEMarie-Pierre Dubuisson-Jolly, Richard C. Dubes: Efficacy of fractal features in segmenting images of natural textures. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(4): 419-431 (1994)
21EEPhilippe P. Ohanian, Richard C. Dubes: Performance evaluation for four classes of textural features. Pattern Recognition 25(8): 819-833 (1992)
20EEChaur-Chin Chen, Richard C. Dubes: Environmental Studies of ICM Segmentation Algorithm. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 6(4): 325-337 (1990)
19EEChaur-Chin Chen, Richard C. Dubes, Anil K. Jain: Comments on an ensemble average classifier for pattern recognition machines. Pattern Recognition 23(6): 669 (1990)
18EERaymond W. Klein, Richard C. Dubes: Experiments in projection and clustering by simulated annealing. Pattern Recognition 22(2): 213-220 (1989)
17EEXiaobo Li, Richard C. Dubes: A probabilistic measure of similarity for binary data in pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition 22(4): 397-409 (1989)
16 Anil K. Jain, Richard C. Dubes: Algorithms for Clustering Data Prentice-Hall 1988
15EERichard C. Dubes: How many clusters are best? - An experiment. Pattern Recognition 20(6): 645-663 (1987)
14EERichard C. Dubes, Richard L. Hoffman: Remarks on some statistical properties of the minimum spanning forest. Pattern Recognition 19(1): 49-53 (1986)
13EEXiaobo Li, Richard C. Dubes: Tree classifier design with a permutation statistic. Pattern Recognition 19(3): 229-235 (1986)
12 Xiaojun Li, Richard C. Dubes: A note on dichotomous feature extraction. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 31(6): 831- (1985)
11EEGuangzhou Zeng, Richard C. Dubes: A comparison of tests for randomness. Pattern Recognition 18(2): 191-198 (1985)
10EEWei-Chung Lin, Richard C. Dubes: A review of ridge counting in dermatoglyphics. Pattern Recognition 16(1): 1-8 (1983)
9 Erdal Panayirci, Richard C. Dubes: A test for multidimensional clustering tendency. Pattern Recognition 16(3): 357 (1983)
8EEErdal Panayirci, Richard C. Dubes: A test for multidimensional clustering tendency. Pattern Recognition 16(4): 433-444 (1983)
7EEThomas A. Bailey Jr., Richard C. Dubes: Cluster validity profiles. Pattern Recognition 15(2): 61-83 (1982)
6 Richard C. Dubes, Anil K. Jain: Clustering Methodologies in Exploratory Data Analysis. Advances in Computers 19: 113-228 (1980)
5EEStephen P. Smith, Richard C. Dubes: Stability of a hierarchical clustering. Pattern Recognition 12(3): 177-187 (1980)
4EEEdward Shaffer, Richard C. Dubes, Anil K. Jain: Single-link characteristics of a mode-seeking clustering algorithm. Pattern Recognition 11(1): 65-70 (1979)
3EERichard C. Dubes, Anil K. Jain: Validity studies in clustering methodologies. Pattern Recognition 11(4): 235-254 (1979)
2EEAnil K. Jain, Richard C. Dubes: Feature definition in pattern recognition with small sample size. Pattern Recognition 10(2): 85-97 (1978)
1EERichard C. Dubes, Anil K. Jain: Clustering techniques: The user's dilemma. Pattern Recognition 8(4): 247-260 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas A. Bailey Jr. [7]
2Chaur-Chin Chen [19] [20]
3Richard L. Hoffman [14]
4Qian Huang [23]
5Anil K. Jain [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [16] [19]
6Marie-Pierre Jolly (Marie-Pierre Dubuisson-Jolly) [22]
7Raymond W. Klein [18]
8Xiaobo Li [13] [17]
9Xiaojun Li [12]
10Wei-Chung Lin [10]
11Jacob R. Lorch [23]
12Philippe P. Ohanian [21]
13Erdal Panayirci [8] [9]
14Edward Shaffer [4]
15Stephen P. Smith [5]
16Guangzhou Zeng [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)