
Milan Zeleny

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14EEMilan Zeleny: From Knowledge to Wisdom: on Being Informed and Knowledgeable, Becoming Wise and Ethical. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 5(4): 751-762 (2006)
13EEMilan Zeleny: The Evolution of Optimality: De Novo Programming. EMO 2005: 1-13
12EEMilan Zeleny: Knowledge-Information Circulation Through the Enterprise: Forward to the Roots of Knowledge Management. CASDMKM 2004: 22-33
11EEMilan Zeleny: Knowledge of Enterprise: Knowledge Management or Knowledge Technology? International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 1(2): 181-207 (2002)
10EEMilan Zeleny: An essay into a philosophy of MCDM: A way of thinking or another algorithm? Computers & OR 19(7): 563-566 (1992)
9EEEero Kasanen, Ralf Östermark, Milan Zeleny: Gestalt system of holistic graphics: New management support view of MCDM. Computers & OR 18(2): 233-239 (1991)
8 Milan Zeleny, George J. Klir, Kevin D. Hufford: Precipitation Membranes, Osmotic Growths, and Synthetic Biology. ALIFE 1987: 125-140
7EEMarek Hessel, Milan Zeleny: Optimal system design: Towards new interpretation of shadow prices in linear programming. Computers & OR 14(4): 265-271 (1987)
6EEMilan Zeleny: An external reconstruction approach (ERA) to linear programming. Computers & OR 13(1): 95-100 (1986)
5 Milan Zeleny: Comments on Ch. Carlsson's "Realism in Hierarchical Modeling: A Fuzzy System Approach". International Working Conference on Model Realism 1982: 22-24
4EEMilan Zeleny: The pros and cons of goal programming. Computers & OR 8(4): 357-359 (1981)
3EEMilan Zeleny: Multiple objectives in mathematical programming: Letting the man in. Computers & OR 7(1-2): 1-4 (1980)
2EEGérard Colson, Milan Zeleny: Multicriterion concept of risk under incomplete information. Computers & OR 7(1-2): 125-141 (1980)
1EEMilan Zeleny: Notes, ideas & techniques new vistas of management science. Computers & OR 2(2): 121-125 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Gérard Colson [2]
2Marek Hessel [7]
3Kevin D. Hufford [8]
4Eero Kasanen [9]
5George J. Klir [8]
6Ralf Östermark [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)