
Ralf Östermark

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13EERalf Östermark: A multipurpose parallel genetic hybrid algorithm for non-linear non-convex programming problems. European Journal of Operational Research 152(1): 195-214 (2004)
12EERalf Östermark: Automatic detection of parsimony for heteroskedastic time series processes. Soft Comput. 6(1): 45-63 (2002)
11EEPei-Zhuang Wang, Ralf Östermark, Rajan Alex, Shaohua Tan: Using fuzzy bases to resolve nonlinear programming problems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 117(1): 81-93 (2001)
10EEPei-Zhuang Wang, Ralf Östermark, Rajan Alex, Shaohua Tan: A fuzzy linear basis algorithm for nonlinear separable programming problems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119(1): 21-30 (2001)
9EEPei-Zhuang Wang, Ralf Östermark, Rajan Alex, Shaohua Tan: Polyhedral representation of fuzzy linear bases. Soft Comput. 5(3): 208-214 (2001)
8EERalf Östermark: A flexible multicomputer algorithm for elementary matrix operations. Computers & OR 27(3): 245-268 (2000)
7EERalf Östermark: Solving a nonlinear non-convex trim loss problem with a genetic hybrid algorithm. Computers & OR 26(6): 623-635 (1999)
6EERalf Östermark: Structural modelling of global capital asset pricing. Int. J. Systems Science 30(6): 601-610 (1999)
5EERalf Östermark, Jaana Aaltonen: Comparing the causality patterns between some Scandinavian stock returns and global return factors. Int. J. Systems Science 30(6): 611-626 (1999)
4EERalf Östermark: A Neuro-Genetic Algorithm for Heteroskedastic Time-Series Processes Empirical Tests on Global Asset Returns. Soft Comput. 3(4): 206-220 (1999)
3EERalf Östermark: A flexible multicomputer algorithm for artificial neural networks. Neural Networks 9(1): 169-178 (1996)
2 Ralf Östermark, Martin Saarinen: Parallel Implementation of a VARMAX Algorithm. Parallel Computing 20(12): 1711-1720 (1994)
1EEEero Kasanen, Ralf Östermark, Milan Zeleny: Gestalt system of holistic graphics: New management support view of MCDM. Computers & OR 18(2): 233-239 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Jaana Aaltonen [5]
2Rajan Alex [9] [10] [11]
3Eero Kasanen [1]
4Martin Saarinen [2]
5Shaohua Tan [9] [10] [11]
6Pei-Zhuang Wang [9] [10] [11]
7Milan Zeleny [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)