
Piero Zamperoni

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20 Piero Zamperoni: Dissimilarity Measures Between Gray-Scale Images as a Tool for Performance Assessment. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 1998: 91-92
19EEGuido M. Cortelazzo, Gianfranco Deretta, Gian Antonio Mian, Piero Zamperoni: Normalized weighted Levensthein distance and triangle inequality in the context of similarity discrimination of bilevel images. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(5): 431-436 (1996)
18EEPiero Zamperoni: Plus ça va, moins ça va. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(7): 671-677 (1996)
17 Piero Zamperoni, Valery V. Starovoitov: How Dissimilar Are Two Grey-Scale Images? DAGM-Symposium 1995: 448-455
16 Piero Zamperoni: An Adaptive Rank Filter for Image Enhancement Depending on A Measure of the Local Spatial Order. IJPRAI 9(1): 127-144 (1995)
15EEGuido Maria Cortelazzo, Gian Antonio Mian, G. Vezzi, Piero Zamperoni: Trademark shapes description by string-matching techniques. Pattern Recognition 27(8): 1005-1018 (1994)
14EEGuido Maria Cortelazzo, Gianfranco Deretta, Gian Antonio Mian, Piero Zamperoni: On the application of geometrical form description techniques to automatic key-section recognition. Pattern Recognition 26(1): 89-94 (1993)
13EEY. Huang, Piero Zamperoni: An investigation on some sequential algorithms for terrain classification. Pattern Recognition Letters 14(6): 523-529 (1993)
12 Y. Huang, Piero Zamperoni: Terrain Classification by Sequential Algorithms. DAGM-Symposium 1991: 239-243
11EEPiero Zamperoni: Some adaptive rank order filters for image enhancement. Pattern Recognition Letters 11(2): 81-86 (1990)
10 Piero Zamperoni: Merkmalsextraktion aus der Rangordnung lokaler Grauwerte für die Bildsegmentierung. DAGM-Symposium 1987: 13-17
9EEReinhard Klette, Piero Zamperoni: Measures of correspondence between binary patterns. Image Vision Comput. 5(4): 287-295 (1987)
8 Piero Zamperoni: Regionenbildende Operatoren und ihre Charakterisierung durch lokale Histogramme. DAGM-Symposium 1984: 113-119
7EEPiero Zamperoni: Model-based segmentation of grey-tone images. Image Vision Comput. 2(3): 123-133 (1984)
6 Piero Zamperoni: Drehung von konturcodierten Binärobjekten. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 18(1/2): 75-82 (1982)
5EEPiero Zamperoni: Contour tracing of grey-scale images based on 2-D histograms. Pattern Recognition 15(3): 161-165 (1982)
4 Piero Zamperoni: Hierarchische Darstellung von Grautonbildern mit stufenweiser Annäherung durch Konvexmuster. DAGM-Symposium 1981: 137-143
3 Piero Zamperoni: Darstellung von Binärbildern mit Hilfe von dilatierten Kernen. DAGM-Symposium 1979: 124-128
2 Piero Zamperoni: Bilddarstellung durch konvexe Elementarmuster. DAGM-Symposium 1978: 145-154
1 Volker Märgner, Piero Zamperoni: Einige Experimente zur datenreduzierten Darstellung von digitisierten Mustern durch die Mittelachsend-Transformation. Digital Image Processing 1977: 212-222

Coauthor Index

1Guido M. Cortelazzo (Guido Maria Cortelazzo) [14] [15] [19]
2Gianfranco Deretta [14] [19]
3Y. Huang [12] [13]
4Reinhard Klette [9]
5Volker Märgner [1]
6Gian Antonio Mian [14] [15] [19]
7Valery V. Starovoitov [17]
8G. Vezzi [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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