
André Zaccarin

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14EENicolas Martel-Brisson, André Zaccarin: Kernel-based learning of cast shadows from a physical model of light sources and surfaces for low-level segmentation. CVPR 2008
13EENicolas Martel-Brisson, André Zaccarin: Unsupervised approach for building non-parametric background and foreground models of scenes with significant foreground activity. VNBA 2008: 93-100
12EENicolas Martel-Brisson, André Zaccarin: Learning and Removing Cast Shadows through a Multidistribution Approach. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(7): 1133-1146 (2007)
11EEAlexandra Branzan Albu, Denis Laurendeau, Sylvain Comtois, Denis Ouellet, Patrick Hébert, André Zaccarin, Marc Parizeau, Robert Bergevin, Xavier Maldague, Richard Drouin, Stéphane Drouin, Nicolas Martel-Brisson, Frédéric Jean, Helene Torresan, Langis Gagnon, France Laliberté: MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras. ICPR (4) 2006: 924-928
10EENicolas Martel-Brisson, André Zaccarin: Moving Cast Shadow Detection from a Gaussian Mixture Shadow Model. CVPR (2) 2005: 643-648
9EEMehran Yazdi, André Zaccarin: Inter-Frame Prediction Of Medical And Videophone Sequences: A Deformable Triangle-Based Approach. Int. J. Image Graphics 4(3): 453-467 (2004)
8EESébastien Pouliot, André Zaccarin, Denis Laurendeau, Jean Pouliot: Automatic detection of three radio-opaque markers for prostate targeting using EPID during external radiation therapy. ICIP (2) 2001: 857-860
7EEMehran Yazdi, André Zaccarin: Scene break detection and classification using a block-wise difference method. ICIP (3) 2001: 394-397
6EERainer Lienhart, André Zaccarin: A system for reliable dissolve detection in videos. ICIP (3) 2001: 406-409
5 Luc Martel, André Zaccarin: New Rule-Based Framework for Post-Processing Merging in Video Sequence Segmentation. ICIP 2000
4EEMehran Yazdi, André Zaccarin: Interframe Coding Using Deformable Triangles of Variable Size. ICIP (1) 1997: 456-459
3EEDam LeQuang, André Zaccarin, S. Caron: Object-oriented coding using successive motion field segmentation and estimation. ICIP 1995: 207-210
2 Marc P. Tremblay, André Zaccarin: Transmission of the Color Information Using Quad-trees and Segmentation-Based Approaches for the Compression of Color Images with Limited Palette. ICIP (3) 1994: 967-971
1EEAndré Zaccarin, Beide Liu: A novel approach for coding color quantized images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2(4): 442-453 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Alexandra Branzan Albu [11]
2Robert Bergevin [11]
3S. Caron [3]
4Sylvain Comtois [11]
5Richard Drouin [11]
6Stéphane Drouin [11]
7Langis Gagnon [11]
8Patrick Hébert [11]
9Frédéric Jean [11]
10France Laliberté [11]
11Denis Laurendeau [8] [11]
12Dam LeQuang [3]
13Rainer Lienhart [6]
14Beide Liu [1]
15Xavier Maldague [11]
16Luc Martel [5]
17Nicolas Martel-Brisson [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
18Denis Ouellet [11]
19Marc Parizeau [11]
20Jean Pouliot [8]
21Sébastien Pouliot [8]
22Helene Torresan [11]
23Marc P. Tremblay [2]
24Mehran Yazdi [4] [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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