
Weihai Yu

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10EEWeihai Yu: Decentralized Orchestration of BPEL Processes with Execution Consistency. APWeb/WAIM 2009: 665-670
9EEWeihai Yu: Consistent and decentralized orchestration of BPEL processes. SAC 2009: 1583-1584
8EEWeihai Yu: Toward a Lightweight Process-Aware Middleware. APWeb/WAIM Workshops 2007: 497-503
7EEWeihai Yu: Peer-to-Peer Execution of BPEL Processes. CAiSE Forum 2007
6EEWeihai Yu, Jie Yang: Continuation-passing enactment of distributed recoverable workflows. SAC 2007: 475-481
5EEWeihai Yu, Calton Pu: A Dynamic Two-Phase Commit Protocol for Adaptive Composite Services. Int. J. Web Service Res. 4(1): 80-100 (2007)
4EEYan Wang, Weihai Yu: Reflective Hierarchical State-Machines for Self-Adaptable Distributed Transaction Coordination. ICAS 2006: 2
3EEWeihai Yu, Yan Wang, Calton Pu: A Dynamic Two-Phase Commit Protocol for Self-Adapting Services. IEEE SCC 2004: 7-15
2EEFrank Eliassen, Vera Goebel, Tom Kristensen, Thomas Plagemann, Anders Andersen, Hans Ole Rafaelsen, Weihai Yu, Gordon S. Blair, Fábio M. Costa, Geoff Coulson, Katia B. Saikoski, Øyvind Hanssen: Next Generation Middleware: Requirements, Architecture, and Prototypes. FTDCS 1999: 60-68
1 Weihai Yu: Modelling Transactions for Distributed Multimedia Database Systems. International Hong Kong Computer Society Database Workshop 1996: 98-114

Coauthor Index

1Anders Andersen [2]
2Gordon S. Blair [2]
3Fábio M. Costa [2]
4Geoff Coulson (Geoffrey Coulson) [2]
5Frank Eliassen [2]
6Vera Goebel [2]
7Øyvind Hanssen [2]
8Tom Kristensen [2]
9Thomas Plagemann [2]
10Calton Pu [3] [5]
11Hans Ole Rafaelsen [2]
12Katia B. Saikoski [2]
13Yan Wang [3] [4]
14Jie Yang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)