
R. Young

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4EEPearl Brereton, S. Lees, R. Bedson, Cornelia Boldyreff, Sarah Drummond, Paul J. Layzell, Linda A. Macaulay, R. Young: Student Collaboration across Universities: A Case Study in Software Engineering. CSEE&T 2000: 76-86
3EEPearl Brereton, S. Lees, M. Gumbley, Cornelia Boldyreff, Sarah Drummond, Paul J. Layzell, Linda A. Macaulay, R. Young: Distributed group working in software engineering education. Information & Software Technology 40(4): 221-227 (1998)
2 G. D. Finn, R. Lister, T. Szabo, Don Simonetta, H. Mulder, R. Young: Neural Networks Applied to a Large Biological Database to Analyse Dairy Breeding Patterns. Neural Computing and Applications 4(4): 237-253 (1996)
1 John H. Lodge, R. Young, Paul Guinand: Separable concatenated codes with iterative map filtering. Information Theory and Applications 1993: 223-240

Coauthor Index

1R. Bedson [4]
2Cornelia Boldyreff [3] [4]
3Pearl Brereton [3] [4]
4Sarah Drummond [3] [4]
5G. D. Finn [2]
6Paul Guinand [1]
7M. Gumbley [3]
8Paul J. Layzell [3] [4]
9S. Lees [3] [4]
10R. Lister [2]
11John H. Lodge [1]
12Linda A. Macaulay [3] [4]
13H. Mulder [2]
14Don Simonetta [2]
15T. Szabo [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)