
Hidenori Yoshizumi

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4EEBertrand Ibrahim, Honitriniela Randriamparany, Hidenori Yoshizumi: Heuristics for Edge Drawing in a Graph-Based Visual Language. HCC 2001: 334-337
3EEBertrand Ibrahim, Hidenori Yoshizumi: Solving the Spaghetti Plate Syndrome in a Control-Flow Language with a VLSI-Like Solution. VL 1999: 202-203
2EEHidenori Yoshizumi, Koichi Hori, Setsuo Ohsuga: A system for aiding form design through concept formation. Systems and Computers in Japan 29(1): 33-42 (1998)
1EEHidenori Yoshizumi, Koichi Hori, Shinichi Nakasuka: Toward a Methodology for a Totally Supported Knowledge Elicitation through Human-Machine Interaction. ER Workshop Challenges of Application and Challenges of Design 1996: 175-195

Coauthor Index

1Koichi Hori [1] [2]
2Bertrand Ibrahim [3] [4]
3Shinichi Nakasuka [1]
4Setsuo Ohsuga [2]
5Honitriniela Randriamparany [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)