
Shizuo Yoshitake

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3 Osamu Takahashi, Shizuo Yoshitake, Shigekazu Kawano: Experience with a remote conformance testing system. ICCC 1988: 186-190
2 Yasuhiro Ohara, Shizuo Yoshitake, Tsukasa Kawaoka: Protocol Conversion Method for Heterogeneous Systems Interconnection in Multi-Profile Environment. PSTV 1987: 405-418
1 Shoichiro Asano, Naohiko Hayashi, Tetsuo Ono, Osamu Takahashi, Shizuo Yoshitake: Heterogeneous Interconnection for Mutual Utilization of Distributed Databases on Chemical Substances. ICCC 1986: 407-412

Coauthor Index

1Shoichiro Asano [1]
2Naohiko Hayashi [1]
3Shigekazu Kawano [3]
4Tsukasa Kawaoka [2]
5Yasuhiro Ohara [2]
6Tetsuo Ono [1]
7Osamu Takahashi [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)