
Tae Bok Yoon

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7EETae Bok Yoon, Jee-Hyong Lee: Goal and path prediction based on user's moving path data. ICUIMC 2008: 475-480
6EEDonghoon Lee, Kunsu Kim, Tae Bok Yoon, Jee-Hyong Lee: Design of web page evaluation system using Ajax and neural networks. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 3025-3029
5EETae Bok Yoon, Dong Moon Kim, Kyo Hyeon Park, Jee-Hyong Lee, Kwan-Ho You: Game Player Modeling Using D-FSMs. HCI (9) 2007: 490-499
4EEYong Se Kim, Tae Bok Yoon, Hyun Jin Cha, Young Mo Jung, Eric Wang, Jee-Hyong Lee: A Outliers Analysis of Learner's Data based on User Interface Behaviors. ICALT 2007: 935-936
3EEDoo-kyung Park, Tae Bok Yoon, Kyo-hyun Park, Jee-Hyong Lee, Keon-Myung Lee: Implementation of an Interactive NPC Based on Game Ontology and Game Community Q/A Bulletin Board. ICANNGA (1) 2007: 441-449
2EETae Bok Yoon, Kyo Hyeon Park, Jee-Hyong Lee, Keon-Myung Lee: User Adaptive Game Characters Using Decision Trees and FSMs. KES-AMSTA 2007: 972-981
1EEHyun Jin Cha, Yong Se Kim, Seon Hee Park, Tae Bok Yoon, Young Mo Jung, Jee-Hyong Lee: Learning Styles Diagnosis Based on User Interface Behaviors for the Customization of Learning Interfaces in an Intelligent Tutoring System. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 513-524

Coauthor Index

1Hyun Jin Cha [1] [4]
2Young Mo Jung [1] [4]
3Dong Moon Kim [5]
4Kunsu Kim [6]
5Yong Se Kim [1] [4]
6Donghoon Lee [6]
7Jee-Hyong Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
8Keon-Myung Lee [2] [3]
9Doo-kyung Park [3]
10Kyo Hyeon Park [2] [5]
11Kyo-hyun Park [3]
12Seon Hee Park [1]
13Eric Wang [4]
14Kwan-Ho You [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)