
Seon Hee Park

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7EEHyun Jin Cha, Yong Se Kim, Seon Hee Park, Tae Bok Yoon, Young Mo Jung, Jee-Hyong Lee: Learning Styles Diagnosis Based on User Interface Behaviors for the Customization of Learning Interfaces in an Intelligent Tutoring System. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 513-524
6EESung-Hee Park, Chan Yong Park, Dae-Hee Kim, Seon Hee Park, Jeong Seop Sim: Protein Structure Abstractionand Automatic Clustering Using Secondary Structure Element Sequences. ICCSA (2) 2005: 1284-1292
5EESeong Joon Yoo, Min Kyung Kim, Seon Hee Park: Web Service Based Integration of Biological Interaction Databases. ICWE 2005: 591-593
4EEMiyoung Shin, Seon Hee Park: Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles Using Automatically Extracted Seeds. KES 2004: 263-269
3EEMin Kyung Kim, Hyun Seok Park, Seon Hee Park: Prediction of Plasma Membrane Spanning Region and Topology Using Hidden Markov Model and Neural Network. KES 2004: 270-277
2EEDoheon Lee, Jung-Ja Kim, Mina Jeong, Yonggwan Won, Seon Hee Park, Kwang Hyung Lee: Immune-Based Framework for Exploratory Bio-information Retrieval from the Semantic Web. ICARIS 2003: 128-135
1EESeon Hee Park, Seunghwan Kim, Hyeon-Bong Pyo, Sooyeul Lee, Sang-Kyung Lee: Time Delay Effects on Dynamic Patterns in a Coupled Neural Model. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2000: 268-275

Coauthor Index

1Hyun Jin Cha [7]
2Mina Jeong [2]
3Young Mo Jung [7]
4Dae-Hee Kim [6]
5Jung-Ja Kim [2]
6Min Kyung Kim [3] [5]
7Seunghwan Kim [1]
8Yong Se Kim [7]
9Doheon Lee [2]
10Jee-Hyong Lee [7]
11Kwang Hyung Lee (Kwang H. Lee) [2]
12Sang-Kyung Lee [1]
13Sooyeul Lee [1]
14Chan Yong Park [6]
15Hyun Seok Park [3]
16Sung-Hee Park [6]
17Hyeon-Bong Pyo [1]
18Miyoung Shin [4]
19Jeong Seop Sim [6]
20Yonggwan Won [2]
21Seong Joon Yoo [5]
22Tae Bok Yoon [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)