
Illhoi Yoo

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18EEMin Song, Xiaohua Hu, Illhoi Yoo, Eric Koppel: Document Clustering by Semantic Smoothing and Dynamic Growing Cell Structure (DynGCS) for Biomedical Literature. DaWaK 2008: 217-226
17EEMin Song, Illhoi Yoo: A Hybrid Abbreviation Extraction Technique for Biomedical Literature. BIBM 2007: 42-47
16EEIllhoi Yoo, Xiaohua Hu, Il-Yeol Song: Biomedical ontology improves biomedical literature clustering performance: a comparison study. IJBRA 3(3): 414-428 (2007)
15EEIllhoi Yoo, Xiaohua Hu: Biomedical Ontology MeSH Improves Document Clustering Qualify on MEDLINE Articles: A Comparison Study. CBMS 2006: 577-582
14EEIllhoi Yoo, Xiaohua Hu, Il-Yeol Song: A Coherent Biomedical Literature Clustering and Summarization Approach Through Ontology-Enriched Graphical Representations. DaWaK 2006: 374-383
13EEIllhoi Yoo, Xiaohua Hu: A comprehensive comparison study of document clustering for a biomedical digital library MEDLINE. JCDL 2006: 220-229
12EEIllhoi Yoo, Xiaohua Hu, Il-Yeol Song: Integration of semantic-based bipartite graph representation and mutual refinement strategy for biomedical literature clustering. KDD 2006: 791-796
11EEIllhoi Yoo, Xiaohua Hu: Clustering Large Collection of Biomedical Literature Based on Ontology-Enriched Bipartite Graph Representation and Mutual Refinement Strategy. PAKDD 2006: 303-312
10EEXiaohua Hu, Xiaodan Zhang, Illhoi Yoo, Yanqing Zhang: A Semantic Approach for Mining Hidden Links from Complementary and Non-interactive Biomedical Literature. SDM 2006
9EEXiaohua Hu, Tsau Young Lin, Il-Yeol Song, Illhoi Yoo, Min Song: A semi-supervised efficient learning approach to extract biological relationships from web-based biomedical digital library. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems 4(3): 327-339 (2006)
8EEXiaohua Hu, Illhoi Yoo, Min Song, Yanqing Zhang, Il-Yeol Song: Mining undiscovered public knowledge from complementary and non-interactive biomedical literature through semantic pruning. CIKM 2005: 249-250
7EEXiaohua Hu, Guangrong Li, Illhoi Yoo, Xiaodan Zhang, Xuheng Xu: A semantic-based approach for mining undiscovered public knowledge from biomedical literature. GrC 2005: 22-27
6EEXiaohua Hu, Illhoi Yoo, Peter Rumm, Michael Atwood: Mining Candidate Viruses as Potential Bio-terrorism Weapons from Biomedical Literature. ISI 2005: 60-71
5EEXiaohua Hu, Il-Yeol Song, Hyoil Han, Illhoi Yoo, Ann Prestrud, Murray F. Brennan, Ari D. Brooks: Temporal rule induction for clinical outcome analysis. IJBIDM 1(1): 122-136 (2005)
4EEXiaohua Hu, Illhoi Yoo, Xiaodan Zhang, Payal Nanavati, Debjit Das: Wavelet transformation and cluster ensemble for gene expression analysis. IJBRA 1(4): 447-460 (2005)
3EEXiaohua Hu, Illhoi Yoo: Cluster Ensemble and Its Applications in Gene Expression Analysis. APBC 2004: 297-302
2EEHuiling Chen, Huan-Xiang Zhou, Xiaohua Hu, Illhoi Yoo: Classification Comparison of Prediction of Solvent Accessibility From Protein Sequences. APBC 2004: 333-338
1EEXiaohua Hu, Tsau Young Lin, Il-Yeol Song, Xia Lin, Illhoi Yoo, Mark Lechner, Min Song: Ontology-Based Scalable and Portable Information Extraction System to Extract Biological Knowledge from Huge Collection of Biomedical Web Documents. Web Intelligence 2004: 77-83

Coauthor Index

1Michael Atwood [6]
2Murray F. Brennan [5]
3Ari D. Brooks [5]
4Huiling Chen [2]
5Debjit Das [4]
6Hyoil Han [5]
7Xiaohua Hu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18]
8Eric Koppel [18]
9Mark Lechner [1]
10Guangrong Li [7]
11Tsau Young Lin [1] [9]
12Xia Lin [1]
13Payal Nanavati [4]
14Ann Prestrud [5]
15Peter Rumm [6]
16Il-Yeol Song [1] [5] [8] [9] [12] [14] [16]
17Min Song [1] [8] [9] [17] [18]
18Xuheng Xu [7]
19Xiaodan Zhang [4] [7] [10]
20Yanqing Zhang (Yan-Qing Zhang) [8] [10]
21Huan-Xiang Zhou [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)