
Zhao Yong

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5EEZhao Yong, Hong Wenxue, Xu Yonghong, Cui Jianxin: ECG Beats Classification Based on Ensemble Feature Composed of Independent Components and QRS Complex Width. CSSE (1) 2008: 868-871
4 Yao Lu, Zhao Yong, Li Xia: Design of Data Buffer Circuit in High-speed, High-resolution Video Image Acquisition System on FPGA. IMECS 2007: 1771-1774
3EEChen Yang, Zhao Yong, Xie Hongsheng, Wu Chuncheng: Network Evolution Modeling and Simulation Based on SPD. ICNC (1) 2006: 848-855
2 Kenneth B. Kent, Zhao Yong, Jacqueline E. Rice, Troy Ronda: Instance-Specific Versus Parameter-Specific Circuit Generation. ERSA 2005: 243-246
1EEJacqueline E. Rice, Kenneth B. Kent, Troy Ronda, Zhao Yong: Configurable hardware solutions for computing autocorrelation coefficients: a case study (abstract only). FPGA 2005: 274

Coauthor Index

1Wu Chuncheng [3]
2Xie Hongsheng [3]
3Cui Jianxin [5]
4Kenneth B. Kent [1] [2]
5Yao Lu [4]
6Jacqueline E. Rice [1] [2]
7Troy Ronda [1] [2]
8Hong Wenxue [5]
9Li Xia [4]
10Chen Yang [3]
11Xu Yonghong [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)