
Takashi Yokomori

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54EEFlorin Manea, Victor Mitrana, Takashi Yokomori: Two complementary operations inspired by the DNA hairpin formation: Completion and reduction. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(4-5): 417-425 (2009)
53EEGheorghe Paun, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Takashi Yokomori: Representations and Characterizations of Languages in Chomsky Hierarchy by Means of Insertion-Deletion Systems. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 19(4): 859-871 (2008)
52EEKaoru Onodera, Takashi Yokomori: Doubler and linearizer: an approach toward a unified theory for molecular computing based on DNA complementarity. Natural Computing 7(1): 125-143 (2008)
51EEChengde Mao, Takashi Yokomori: Foreword. Natural Computing 7(2): 145-146 (2008)
50EEMihai Ionescu, Gheorghe Paun, Takashi Yokomori: Preface. Natural Computing 7(4): 451-452 (2008)
49EETakashi Yokomori: Erratum to "Polynomial-time identification of very simple grammars from positive data" [Theoret. Comput. Science 298 (2003) 179-206]. Theor. Comput. Sci. 377(1-3): 282-283 (2007)
48 Chengde Mao, Takashi Yokomori: DNA Computing, 12th International Meeting on DNA Computing, DNA12, Seoul, Korea, June 5-9, 2006, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2006
47EEMihai Ionescu, Gheorghe Paun, Takashi Yokomori: Spiking Neural P Systems. Fundam. Inform. 71(2-3): 279-308 (2006)
46EEKaoru Onodera, Takashi Yokomori: Linearizer and Doubler : Two Mappings to Unify Molecular Computing Models Based on DNA Complementarity. DNA 2005: 224-235
45EESatoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Yokomori, Yasubumi Sakakibara: An Algorithm for Testing Structure Freeness of Biomolecular Sequences. Aspects of Molecular Computing 2004: 266-277
44EELeonor Becerra-Bonache, Takashi Yokomori: Learning Mild Context-Sensitiveness: Toward Understanding Children's Language Learning. ICGI 2004: 53-64
43EEGheorghe Paun, Yasuhiro Suzuki, Hiroshi Tanaka, Takashi Yokomori: On the power of membrane division in P systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 324(1): 61-85 (2004)
42EEAkihiro Takahara, Takashi Yokomori: On the computational power of insertion-deletion systems. Natural Computing 2(4): 321-336 (2003)
41EETakashi Yokomori: Polynomial-time identification of very simple grammars from positive data. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1(298): 179-206 (2003)
40EEAkihiro Takahara, Takashi Yokomori: On the Computational Power of Insertion-Deletion Systems. DNA 2002: 269-280
39EETakashi Yokomori, Yasubumi Sakakibara, Satoshi Kobayashi: A Magic Pot : Self-assembly Computation Revisited. Formal and Natural Computing 2002: 418-430
38EETakashi Yokomori: Corrigendum Learning Two-Type Automata from Queries and Counterexamples. Theory Comput. Syst. 35(4): 465-466 (2002)
37 Gheorghe Paun, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Takashi Yokomori: Hairpin Languages. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 12(6): 837-847 (2001)
36EEGheorghe Paun, Takashi Yokomori: Toward Soft Hardware. Soft Comput. 5(2): 93-94 (2001)
35EEGheorghe Paun, Takashi Yokomori: Simulating H Systems by P Systems. J. UCS 6(1): 178-193 (2000)
34EEClaudio Ferretti, Giancarlo Mauri, Satoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Yokomori: On the universality of Post and splicing systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 231(2): 157-170 (2000)
33 Osamu Watanabe, Takashi Yokomori: Algorithmic Learning Theory, 10th International Conference, ALT '99, Tokyo, Japan, December 6-8, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
32 Takashi Yokomori: Computation = self-assembly + conformational change: toward new computing paradigms. Developments in Language Theory 1999: 32-43
31EEYasuo Uemura, Aki Hasegawa, Satoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Yokomori: Tree Adjoining Grammars for RNA Structure Prediction. Theor. Comput. Sci. 210(2): 277-303 (1999)
30EETom Head, Satoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Yokomori: Locality, Reversibility, and Beyond: Learning Languages from Positive Data. ALT 1998: 191-204
29 Claudio Ferretti, Giancarlo Mauri, Satoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Yokomori: On the Universality of Post and Splicing Systems. MCU (2) 1998: 12-28
28EETakashi Yokomori, Satoshi Kobayashi: Learning Local Languages and Their Application to DNA Sequence Analysis. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20(10): 1067-1079 (1998)
27 Satoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Yokomori: Identifiability of Subspaces and Homomorphic Images of Zero-Reversible Languages. ALT 1997: 48-61
26EESatoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Yokomori: Learning Approximately Regular Languages with Reversible Languages. Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(1-2): 251-257 (1997)
25 Satoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Yokomori: Families of Noncounting Languages and Their Learnability from Positive Data. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 7(4): 309- (1996)
24 Takashi Yokomori: Learning Two-Tape Automata from Queries and Counterexamples. Mathematical Systems Theory 29(3): 259-270 (1996)
23 Satoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Yokomori: On Approximately Identifying Concept Classes in the Limit. ALT 1995: 298-312
22 Takashi Yokomori: On Polynomial-Time Learnability in the Limit of Strictly Deterministic Automata. Machine Learning 19(2): 153-179 (1995)
21 Satoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Yokomori: Learning Concatenations of Locally Testable Languages from Positive Data. AII/ALT 1994: 407-422
20 Noriyuki Tanida, Takashi Yokomori: Inductive Inference of Monogenic Pure Context-free Languages. AII/ALT 1994: 560-573
19 Takashi Yokomori, Nobuyuki Ishida, Satoshi Kobayashi: Learning Local Languages and its Application to Protein \alpha-Chain Identification. HICSS (5) 1994: 113-122
18 Takashi Yokomori: Learning non-deterministic finite automata from queries and counterexamples. Machine Intelligence 13 1994: 169-189
17 Klaus P. Jantke, Shigenobu Kobayashi, Etsuji Tomita, Takashi Yokomori: Algorithmic Learning Theory, 4th International Workshop, ALT '93, Tokyo, Japan, November 8-10, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1993
16EETakashi Yokomori: Learning Two-Tape Automata from Queries and Counterexamples. COLT 1993: 228-235
15 Takashi Yokomori: On Learning Systolic Languages. ALT 1992: 41-52
14EETakashi Yokomori: Polynomial-Time Learning of Very Simple Grammars from Positive Data. COLT 1991: 213-227
13 Takashi Yokomori: Learning Context-Free Languages Efficiently - A Report on Recent Results in Japan. AII 1989: 104-123
12 Takashi Yokomori: Inductive Inference of Context-free Languages- Context-free Expression Method. IJCAI 1987: 283-286
11 Takashi Yokomori: Set Abstraction - An Extension of All Solutions Predicate in Logic Programming Language. New Generation Comput. 5(3): 227-248 (1987)
10 Takashi Yokomori: On Purely Morphic Characterizations of Context-Free Languages. Theor. Comput. Sci. 51: 301-308 (1987)
9EETakashi Yokomori: On Analogical Query Processing in Logic Database. VLDB 1986: 376-383
8 Takashi Yokomori: Logic Program Forms. New Generation Comput. 4(3): 305-319 (1986)
7 Takashi Yokomori: A Logic Program Schema and Its Applications. IJCAI 1985: 723-725
6 Jiro Tanaka, Takashi Yokomori, Makoto Kishishita: AND-OR Queuing in Extended Concurrent Prolog. LP 1985: 156-167
5 Takashi Yokomori: A Note on the Set Abstraction in Logic Programming Language. FGCS 1984: 333-340
4EETakashi Yokomori, Derick Wood: An Inverse Homomorphic Characterization of Full Principal AFL. Inf. Sci. 33(3): 209-215 (1984)
3 Takashi Yokomori, Aravind K. Joshi: Semi-Linearity, Parikh-Boundedness and Tree-Adjunct Languages. Inf. Process. Lett. 17(3): 137-143 (1983)
2 Takashi Yokomori, Derick Wood, Klaus-Jörn Lange: A Three-Restricted Normal Form Theorem for ET0L Languages. Inf. Process. Lett. 14(3): 97-100 (1982)
1 Takashi Yokomori: Stochastic Characterizations of EOL Languages Information and Control 45(1): 26-33 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Leonor Becerra-Bonache [44]
2Claudio Ferretti [29] [34]
3Aki Hasegawa [31]
4Tom Head [30]
5Mihai Ionescu (Armand-Mihai Ionescu) [47] [50]
6Nobuyuki Ishida [19]
7Klaus P. Jantke [17]
8Aravind K. Joshi [3]
9Makoto Kishishita [6]
10Satoshi Kobayashi [19] [21] [23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [34] [39] [45]
11Shigenobu Kobayashi [17]
12Klaus-Jörn Lange [2]
13Florin Manea [54]
14Chengde Mao [48] [51]
15Giancarlo Mauri [29] [34]
16Victor Mitrana [54]
17Kaoru Onodera [46] [52]
18Gheorghe Paun [35] [36] [37] [43] [47] [50] [53]
19Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez [53]
20Grzegorz Rozenberg [37]
21Yasubumi Sakakibara [39] [45]
22Yasuhiro Suzuki [43]
23Akihiro Takahara [40] [42]
24Hiroshi Tanaka [43]
25Jiro Tanaka [6]
26Noriyuki Tanida [20]
27Etsuji Tomita [17]
28Yasuo Uemura [31]
29Osamu Watanabe [33]
30Derick Wood [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)