
Fredrik Ygge

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13EEPer Carlsson, Arne Andersson, Fredrik Ygge: A Tractable Mechanism for Time Dependent Markets. CEC 2003: 31-34
12EEArne Andersson, Per Carlsson, Fredrik Ygge: Efficient Resource Allocation with Noisy Functions. Algorithm Engineering 2001: 91-105
11EEPer Carlsson, Fredrik Ygge, Arne Andersson: Extending Equilibrium Markets. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(4): 18-26 (2001)
10 Alexandros Moukas, Carles Sierra, Fredrik Ygge: Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce II, Towards Next-Generation Agent-Based Electronic Commerce Systems, IJCAI 1999 Workshop Springer 2000
9EEWilliam E. Walsh, Michael P. Wellman, Fredrik Ygge: Combinatorial auctions for supply chain formation. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000: 260-269
8EEArne Andersson, Mattias Tenhunen, Fredrik Ygge: Integer Programming for Combinatorial Auction Winner Determination. ICMAS 2000: 39-46
7 Fredrik Ygge, Hans Akkermans: Resource-Oriented Multicommodity Market Algorithms. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 3(1): 53-71 (2000)
6 Fredrik Ygge: Energy Resellers - An Endangered Species? Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce (IJCAI Workshop) 1999: 68-93
5EEFredrik Ygge, Hans Akkermans: Decentralized Markets versus Central Control: A Comparative Study. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 11: 301-333 (1999)
4 Fredrik Ygge, Hans Akkermans: On Resource-Oriented Multi-Commodity Market Computations. ICMAS 1998: 365-371
3 Tuomas Sandholm, Fredrik Ygge: On the Gains and Losses of Speculation in Equilibrium Markets. IJCAI (1) 1997: 632-639
2 Fredrik Ygge, Hans Akkermans: Making a Case for Multi-Agent Systems. MAAMAW 1997: 156-176
1 Staffan Haegg, Fredrik Ygge, Rune Gustavsson, Hans Ottosson: DA-Soc: A Testbed for Modelling Distribution Automation Applications Using Agent-Oriented Programming. MAAMAW 1994: 63-76

Coauthor Index

1Hans Akkermans (J. M. Akkermans) [2] [4] [5] [7]
2Arne Andersson [8] [11] [12] [13]
3Per Carlsson [11] [12] [13]
4Rune Gustavsson [1]
5Staffan Haegg [1]
6Alexandros Moukas [10]
7Hans Ottosson [1]
8Tuomas Sandholm [3]
9Carles Sierra [10]
10Mattias Tenhunen [8]
11William E. Walsh [9]
12Michael P. Wellman [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)