
W. L. Yeung

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6 Walter Dosch, W. L. Yeung: High-Level Design of a Ternary Asynchronous Multiplexer. IASSE 2005: 221-228
5EEW. L. Yeung, S. A. Schneider: Formal verification of fault-tolerant software design: the CSP approach. Microprocessors and Microsystems 29(5): 197-209 (2005)
4 W. L. Yeung: Comparing the State-Based and Behavioural Approaches to Checking Consistency between Associations and State Machines in UML. IASSE 2004: 233-238
3 W. L. Yeung: A Dual-Formalism Approach to Checking Consistency of Class and State Diagrams in UML. VVEIS 2004: 2-9
2EEW. L. Yeung: Checking Consistency between UML Class and State Models Based on CSP and B. J. UCS 10(11): 1540-1559 (2004)
1 W. L. Yeung: Semantics-Based Support Tools for High Integrity Ada Software. Ada-Europe 1997: 100-111

Coauthor Index

1Walter Dosch [6]
2S. A. Schneider [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)