
Dezhong Yao

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20EEAntao Chen, Xuchu Weng, Jiajin Yuan, Xu Lei, Jiang Qiu, Dezhong Yao, Hong Li: The Temporal Features of Self-referential Processing Evoked by Chinese Handwriting. J. Cognitive Neuroscience 20(5): 816-827 (2008)
19EELing Li, Chunguang Li, Yongxiu Lai, Guoling Shi, Dezhong Yao: Coherent Sources Mapping by K-Means Cluster and Correlation Coefficient. ICNC (1) 2006: 237-240
18EEXinyu Du, Yongjie Li, Wufan Chen, Yi Zhang, Dezhong Yao: A Markov Random Field Based Hybrid Algorithm with Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm for Image Segmentation. ICNC (1) 2006: 706-715
17EEXu Lei, Huafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, Guanhua Luo: An Improved Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization Reconstruction. ICNC (1) 2006: 968-971
16EEYongjie Li, Dezhong Yao: Accelerating the Radiotherapy Planning with a Hybrid Method of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony System. ICNC (2) 2006: 340-349
15EEQiyi Song, Feng Yin, Huafu Chen, Yi Zhang, Qiaoli Hu, Dezhong Yao: A Novel Unified SPM-ICA-PCA Method for Detecting Epileptic Activities in Resting-State fMRI. ICNC (2) 2006: 627-636
14EEHuafu Chen, Ling Zeng, Dezhong Yao, Qing Gao: A Gaussian Dynamic Convolution Models of the FMRI BOLD Response. ISNN (1) 2006: 21-26
13EEXiang Liao, Yu Yin, Chaoyi Li, Dezhong Yao: Application of SVM Framework for Classification of Single Trial EEG. ISNN (2) 2006: 548-553
12EELing Wang, Hongjin Sun, Dezhong Yao: A Neural Network Model for the Estimation of Time-to-Collision. ISNN (2) 2006: 614-619
11EEPeng Xu, Dezhong Yao: A novel method based on realistic head model for EEG denoising. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 83(2): 104-110 (2006)
10EETiejun Liu, Dezhong Yao: Removal of the ocular artifacts from EEG data using a cascaded spatio-temporal processing. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 83(2): 95-103 (2006)
9EEPeng Xu, Dezhong Yao: Two dictionaries matching pursuit for sparse decomposition of signals. Signal Processing 86(11): 3472-3480 (2006)
8EEYongjie Li, Dezhong Yao, Jiancheng Zheng, Jonathan Yao: A Modified Genetic Algorithm for the Beam Angle Optimization Problem in Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy Planning. Artificial Evolution 2005: 97-106
7EEYongjie Li, Dezhong Yao, Wufan Chen, Jiancheng Zheng, Jonathan Yao: Ant colony system for the beam angle optimization problem in radiotherapy planning: a preliminary study. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 1532-1538
6EELijun Qiu, Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao: A feasibility study of EEG dipole source localization using particle swarm optimization. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 720-726
5EEHuafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, Ling Zeng: A BFGS-ICA algorithm and application in localization of brain activities. Neurocomputing 64: 513-519 (2005)
4EEYiran Zhai, Dezhong Yao: A study on the reference electrode standardization technique for a realistic head model. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 76(3): 229-238 (2004)
3EEHuafu Chen, Dezhong Yao: A composite ICA algorithm and the application in localization of brain activities. Neurocomputing 56: 429-434 (2004)
2EEHuafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, Lan Yang: An extended convolution dynamic model of fMRI BOLD response. Neurocomputing 61: 395-400 (2004)
1EEHuafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, Lin Chen: A new method for detecting brain activities from fMRI dataset. Neurocomputing 48(1-4): 1047-1052 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Antao Chen [20]
2Huafu Chen [1] [2] [3] [5] [14] [15] [17]
3Lin Chen [1]
4Wufan Chen [7] [18]
5Xinyu Du [18]
6Qing Gao [14]
7Qiaoli Hu [15]
8Yongxiu Lai [19]
9Xu Lei [17] [20]
10Chaoyi Li [13]
11Chunguang Li [19]
12Hong Li [20]
13Ling Li [19]
14Yongjie Li [6] [7] [8] [16] [18]
15Xiang Liao [13]
16Tiejun Liu [10]
17Guanhua Luo [17]
18Jiang Qiu [20]
19Lijun Qiu [6]
20Guoling Shi [19]
21Qiyi Song [15]
22Hongjin Sun [12]
23Ling Wang [12]
24Xuchu Weng [20]
25Peng Xu [9] [11]
26Lan Yang [2]
27Jonathan Yao [7] [8]
28Feng Yin [15]
29Yu Yin [13]
30Jiajin Yuan [20]
31Ling Zeng [5] [14]
32Yiran Zhai [4]
33Yi Zhang [15] [18]
34Jiancheng Zheng [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)