
Zi-Jiang Yang

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9EELi-Juan Jia, Ran Tao, Yue Wang, Shunshoku Kanae, Zi-Jiang Yang, Kiyoshi Wada: An Efficient Indirect Identification Method for Feedback Control System. ICNSC 2008: 13-18
8EEZi-Jiang Yang, Shunshoku Kanae, Kiyoshi Wada: Adaptive Robust Motion Controller with Friction and Ripple Disturbance Compensation Via RBF Networks. ISNN (1) 2007: 275-284
7EEShunshoku Kanae, Zi-Jiang Yang, Kiyoshi Wada: A Decision Method for Air-Pressure Limit Value Based on the Respiratory Model with RBF Expression of Elastance. ISNN (2) 2007: 1194-1201
6EEZi-Jiang Yang, Hideto Iemura, Shunshoku Kanae, Kiyoshi Wada: Identification of continuous-time systems with multiple unknown time delays by global nonlinear least-squares and instrumental variable methods. Automatica 43(7): 1257-1264 (2007)
5EEZi-Jiang Yang, Toshimasa Nagai, Shunshoku Kanae, Kiyoshi Wada: Dynamic surface control approach to adaptive robust control of nonlinear systems in semi-strict feedback form. Int. J. Systems Science 38(9): 709-724 (2007)
4EEKouji Maeda, Shunshoku Kanae, Zi-Jiang Yang, Kiyoshi Wada: Design of RBF Network Based on Fuzzy Clustering Method for Modeling of Respiratory System. ISNN (2) 2006: 746-753
3 C. Dachapak, Shunshoku Kanae, Zi-Jiang Yang, Kiyoshi Wada: Study on radial basis function network in reproducing kernel hilbert space. SIP 2005: 150-155
2 Hong Yao, Masato Ikenoue, Shunshoku Kanae, Zi-Jiang Yang, Kiyoshi Wada: IQML-like algorithm and inverse iteration algorithm in dynamic system identification. SIP 2005: 204-209
1EEShunshoku Kanae, Zi-Jiang Yang, Kiyoshi Wada: Estimation of Pulmonary Elastance Based on RBF Expression. ISNN (2) 2004: 507-512

Coauthor Index

1C. Dachapak [3]
2Hideto Iemura [6]
3Masato Ikenoue [2]
4Li-Juan Jia [9]
5Shunshoku Kanae [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
6Kouji Maeda [4]
7Toshimasa Nagai [5]
8Ran Tao [9]
9Kiyoshi Wada [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
10Yue Wang [9]
11Hong Yao [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)