
Xinhua Yang

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6EEWu Deng, Xinhua Yang, Huimin Zhao, Dan Lei, Hua Li: Study on EAI Based on Web Services and SOA. ISECS 2008: 95-98
5EEFeilong Tang, Minglu Li, Xinhua Yang, Yi Wang, Hongyu Huang, Hongzi Zhu: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Based Reliable Applications for Enterprise Grid. APWeb Workshops 2006: 516-524
4EEXinhua Yang, Feilong Tang, Wu Deng: Research on a Generalized Die CAD System Architecture Based on SOA and Web Service. APWeb Workshops 2006: 625-631
3EEXujia Qin, Xinhua Yang, Hongbo Zheng: Implicit Surface Boolean Operations Based Cut-and-Paste Algorithm for Mesh Models. ICAT 2006: 839-848
2EELingling Zhang, Yong Shi, Xinhua Yang: Association-rule knowledge discovery by using a fuzzy mining approach. IJBIDM 1(4): 417-429 (2006)
1EEShanshan Wu, Ge Yu, Yaxin Yu, Zhengyu Ou, Xinhua Yang, Yu Gu: A Deadline-Sensitive Approach for Real-Time Processing of Sliding Windows. WAIM 2005: 566-577

Coauthor Index

1Wu Deng [4] [6]
2Yu Gu [1]
3Hongyu Huang [5]
4Dan Lei [6]
5Hua Li [6]
6Minglu Li [5]
7Zhengyu Ou [1]
8Xujia Qin [3]
9Yong Shi [2]
10Feilong Tang [4] [5]
11Yi Wang [5]
12Shanshan Wu [1]
13Ge Yu [1]
14Yaxin Yu [1]
15Lingling Zhang [2]
16Huimin Zhao [6]
17Hongbo Zheng [3]
18Hongzi Zhu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)