
Xiaoqi Yang

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17EEAlex M. Rubinov, Xiaoqi Yang: Lagrange-Type Functions. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 1800-1805
16EESong Wang, Xiaoqi Yang: A power penalty method for linear complementarity problems. Oper. Res. Lett. 36(2): 211-214 (2008)
15EEXiaoqi Yang, Qilong Zheng, Guoliang Chen: PMT: a generic object-oriented parallel multithread programming interface. Infoscale 2007: 32
14EEXiaoqi Yang, Qilong Zheng, Guoliang Chen, Shujuan Liu, Jun Luan: Transactional Memory Execution for Parallel Multithread Programming without Lock. PDCAT 2007: 209-216
13EEXinmin Yang, Xiaoqi Yang, Kok Lay Teo: Erratum to "Huard type second-order converse duality for nonlinear programming" [Appl. Math. Lett. 18 (2005) 205-208] Appl. Math. Lett. 20(2): 241 (2007)
12EEHong Yan, Xiaoqi Yang, Erfang Shan: Upper minus total domination in small-degree regular graphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(21): 2453-2463 (2007)
11EEAlex M. Rubinov, Xiaoqi Yang, Y. Y. Zhou: A Lagrange penalty reformulation method for constrained optimization. Optimization Letters 1(2): 145-154 (2007)
10EEXiaoqi Yang, Qilong Zheng, Guoliang Chen, Zhen Yao: Reverse Compilation for Speculative Parallel Threading. PDCAT 2006: 138-143
9EEY. Y. Zhou, Xiaoqi Yang: Augmented Lagrangian function, non-quadratic growth condition and exact penalization. Oper. Res. Lett. 34(2): 127-134 (2006)
8EEKok Lay Teo, T. C. Edwin Cheng, Xiaoqiang Cai, Xiaoqi Yang: Preface. Annals OR 133(1-4): 17-20 (2005)
7EEXinmin Yang, Xiaoqi Yang, Kok Lay Teo: Huard type second-order converse duality for nonlinear programming. Appl. Math. Lett. 18(2): 205-208 (2005)
6EEJie Sun, Xiaoqi Yang, Xiongda Chen: Quadratic cost flow and the conjugate gradient method. European Journal of Operational Research 164(1): 104-114 (2005)
5EEZhiqing Meng, Qiying Hu, Chuangyin Dang, Xiaoqi Yang: An objective penalty function method for nonlinear programming. Appl. Math. Lett. 17(6): 683-689 (2004)
4EEXuexiang Huang, Xiaoqi Yang: A Unified Augmented Lagrangian Approach to Duality and Exact Penalization. Math. Oper. Res. 28(3): 533-552 (2003)
3EEAlex M. Rubinov, Xuexiang Huang, Xiaoqi Yang: The Zero Duality Gap Property and Lower Semicontinuity of the Perturbation Function. Math. Oper. Res. 27(4): 775-791 (2002)
2 Xiaoqi Yang: Second-order global optimality conditions for convex composite optimization. Math. Program. 81: 327-347 (1998)
1 Vaithilingam Jeyakumar, Xiaoqi Yang: Convex composite multi-objective nonsmooth programming. Math. Program. 59: 325-343 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Xiaoqiang Cai [8]
2Guoliang Chen [10] [14] [15]
3Xiongda Chen [6]
4T. C. Edwin Cheng [8]
5Chuangyin Dang [5]
6Qiying Hu [5]
7Xuexiang Huang [3] [4]
8Vaithilingam Jeyakumar [1]
9Shujuan Liu [14]
10Jun Luan [14]
11Zhiqing Meng [5]
12Alex M. Rubinov [3] [11] [17]
13Erfang Shan [12]
14Jie Sun [6]
15Kok Lay Teo [7] [8] [13]
16Song Wang [16]
17Hong Yan [12]
18Xinmin Yang [7] [13]
19Zhen Yao [10]
20Qilong Zheng [10] [14] [15]
21Y. Y. Zhou [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)