
Kiduk Yang

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19EEKiduk Yang: WIDIT in TREC 2008 Blog Track: Leveraging Multiple Sources of Opinion Evidence. TREC 2008
18EEKiduk Yang, Lokman I. Meho: CiteSearch: next-generation citation analysis. JCDL 2007: 101-102
17EEKiduk Yang, Ning Yu, Hui Zhang: WIDIT in TREC 2007 Blog Track: Combining Lexicon-Based Methods to Detect Opinionated Blogs. TREC 2007
16EELokman I. Meho, Kiduk Yang: Impact of data sources on citation counts and rankings of LIS faculty: Web of science versus scopus and google scholar. JASIST 58(13): 2105-2125 (2007)
15EEKiduk Yang, Ning Yu, Hui Zhang, Shahrier Akram, Ivan Record: WIDIT: Integrated Approach to HARD Topic Search. AIRS 2006: 649-658
14EELokman I. Meho, Kiduk Yang: Locating online government information: a comparison of FirstGov, Google, and Yahoo. DG.O 2006: 431-432
13EEKiduk Yang, Ning Yu, Alejandro Valerio, Hui Zhang: WIDIT in TREC 2006 Blog Track. TREC 2006
12EELokman I. Meho, Kiduk Yang: A New Era in Citation and Bibliometric Analyses: Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar CoRR abs/cs/0612132: (2006)
11EEKiduk Yang, Ning Yu: WIDIT: Fusion-Based Approach to Web Search Optimization. AIRS 2005: 206-220
10 Kiduk Yang, Elin K. Jacob, Aaron Loehrlein, Seungmin Lee, Ning Yu: Organizing the Web: Semi-Automatic Construction of a Faceted Scheme. ICWI 2004: 374-381
9EEKiduk Yang, Elin K. Jacob: A hybrid approach to generating and utilizing faceted vocabulary for knowledge discovery on the web. JCDL 2004: 395
8EEKiduk Yang, Dan E. Albertson: WIDIT in TREC-2003 Web Track. TREC 2003: 328-336
7EEKiduk Yang: Combining Text- and Link-based Retrieval Methods for Web IR. TREC 2001
6 Kiduk Yang, Kelly Maglaughlin, Gregory B. Newby: Passage feedback with IRIS. Inf. Process. Manage. 37(3): 521-541 (2001)
5 Bert J. Dempsey, Robert C. Vreeland, Robert G. Sumner Jr., Kiduk Yang: Design and empirical evaluation of search software for legal professionals on the WWW. Inf. Process. Manage. 36(2): 253-273 (2000)
4EEKiduk Yang, Kelly Maglaughlin: IRIS at TREC-8. TREC 1999
3EERobert G. Sumner Jr., Kiduk Yang, Bert J. Dempsey: An Interactive WWW Search Engine for User-Defined Collections. ACM DL 1998: 307-308
2 Kiduk Yang, Kelly Maglaughlin, Lokman I. Meho, Robert G. Sumner Jr.: IRIS at TREC-7. TREC 1998: 489-500
1EERobert G. Sumner Jr., Kiduk Yang, Roger Akers, William M. Shaw Jr.: Interactive Retrieval using IRIS: TREC-6 Experiments. TREC 1997: 711-733

Coauthor Index

1Roger Akers [1]
2Shahrier Akram [15]
3Dan E. Albertson [8]
4Bert J. Dempsey [3] [5]
5Elin K. Jacob [9] [10]
6Seungmin Lee [10]
7Aaron Loehrlein [10]
8Kelly Maglaughlin [2] [4] [6]
9Lokman I. Meho [2] [12] [14] [16] [18]
10Gregory B. Newby [6]
11Ivan Record [15]
12William M. Shaw Jr. [1]
13Robert G. Sumner Jr. [1] [2] [3] [5]
14Alejandro Valerio [13]
15Robert C. Vreeland [5]
16Ning Yu [10] [11] [13] [15] [17]
17Hui Zhang [13] [15] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)