
Gregory B. Newby

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26EEAbdullah Kayi, Edward Kornkven, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, Gregory B. Newby: Application Performance Tuning for Clusters with ccNUMA Nodes. CSE 2008: 245-252
25EEAbdullah Kayi, Edward Kornkven, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, Samy Al-Bahra, Gregory B. Newby: Performance Evaluation of Clusters with ccNUMA Nodes - A Case Study. HPCC 2008: 320-327
24EEChristopher T. Fallen, Gregory B. Newby, Kylie McCormick: Distributed Multisearch and Resource Selection for the TREC Million Query Track. TREC 2008
23EEAbdullah Kayi, Yiyi Yao, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, Gregory B. Newby: Experimental Evaluation of Emerging Multi-core Architectures. IPDPS 2007: 1-6
22EEChristopher T. Fallen, Gregory B. Newby: Distributed web search efficiency by truncating results. JCDL 2007: 195-203
21EEChristopher T. Fallen, Gregory B. Newby: Collection Selection Based on Historical Performance for Efficient Processing. TREC 2007
20EEYangwoo P. Kim, SeungHa Lee, Pilwoo Lee, Gregory B. Newby: Grid Information Retrieval Management System for Dynamically Reconfigurable Virtual Organization. GCC 2006: 301-306
19EEGregory B. Newby: Paths to creativity in security careers. PST 2006: 3
18EEChristopher T. Fallen, Gregory B. Newby: Partitioning the Gov2 Corpus by Internet Domain Name: A Result-set Merging Experiment. TREC 2006
17EEGregory B. Newby, Kevin Gamiel: Secure Information Sharing and Information Retrieval Infrastructure with GridIR. ISI 2003: 389
16EEGregory B. Newby, Charles Franks: Distributed Proofreading. JCDL 2003: 361-363
15EEGregory B. Newby: Document Structure with IR Tools. TREC 2003: 568-577
14EEGregory B. Newby, Jane Greenberg, Paul Jones: Open Source Software Development and Lotka's Law: Bibliometric Patterns in Programming. JASIST 54(2): 169-178 (2003)
13EEGregory B. Newby: Progress in General-Purpose IR Software. TREC 2002
12EEGregory B. Newby: The necessity for information space mapping for information retrieval on the semantic web. Inf. Res. 7(4): (2002)
11 Gregory B. Newby: Empirical Study of a 3D Visualization for Information Retrieval Tasks. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 18(1): 31-53 (2002)
10EEGregory B. Newby: Challenges of Multi-Mode IR Software. TREC 2001
9 Kiduk Yang, Kelly Maglaughlin, Gregory B. Newby: Passage feedback with IRIS. Inf. Process. Manage. 37(3): 521-541 (2001)
8 Gregory B. Newby: Cognitive space and information space. JASIST 52(12): 1026-1048 (2001)
7 Gregory B. Newby: Information security for libraries. IRMA Conference 2000: 558-560
6EEGregory B. Newby: Information Space Based on HTML Structure. TREC 2000
5EEGregory B. Newby: Moving More Quickly toward Full Term Relations in Information Space. TREC 1999
4 Gregory B. Newby: Information Space Gets Normal. TREC 1998: 501-505
3EEGregory B. Newby: Context-Based Statistical Sub-Spaces. TREC 1997: 735-745
2EEGregory B. Newby: Metric Multidimensional Information Space. TREC 1996
1 Gregory B. Newby: Gesture Recognition Based upon Statistical Similarity. Presence 3(3): 236-243 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Samy Al-Bahra [25]
2Tarek A. El-Ghazawi [23] [25] [26]
3Christopher T. Fallen [18] [21] [22] [24]
4Charles Franks [16]
5Kevin Gamiel [17]
6Jane Greenberg [14]
7Paul Jones [14]
8Abdullah Kayi [23] [25] [26]
9Yangwoo P. Kim [20]
10Edward Kornkven [25] [26]
11Pilwoo Lee [20]
12SeungHa Lee [20]
13Kelly Maglaughlin [9]
14Kylie McCormick [24]
15Kiduk Yang [9]
16Yiyi Yao [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)