
Keisuke Yamazaki

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7EEKeisuke Yamazaki, Motoaki Kawanabe, Sumio Watanabe, Masashi Sugiyama, Klaus-Robert Müller: Asymptotic Bayesian generalization error when training and test distributions are different. ICML 2007: 1079-1086
6EEKeisuke Yamazaki, Sumio Watanabe: Experimental Bayesian Generalization Error of Non-regular Models under Covariate Shift. ICONIP (1) 2007: 466-476
5EEKeisuke Yamazaki, Kenji Nagata, Sumio Watanabe, Klaus-Robert Müller: A Model Selection Method Based on Bound of Learning Coefficient. ICANN (2) 2006: 371-380
4EEKeisuke Yamazaki, Sumio Watanabe: Algebraic geometry and stochastic complexity of hidden Markov models. Neurocomputing 69(1-3): 62-84 (2005)
3EEKeisuke Yamazaki, Sumio Watanabe: Newton Diagram and Stochastic Complexity in Mixture of Binomial Distributions. ALT 2004: 350-364
2 Keisuke Yamazaki, Sumio Watanabe: Stochastic Complexity of Bayesian Networks. UAI 2003: 592-599
1EEKeisuke Yamazaki, Sumio Watanabe: Singularities in mixture models and upper bounds of stochastic complexity. Neural Networks 16(7): 1029-1038 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Motoaki Kawanabe [7]
2Klaus-Robert Müller [5] [7]
3Kenji Nagata [5]
4Masashi Sugiyama [7]
5Sumio Watanabe [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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