
Yoshinori Yamamoto

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7EEYoshinori Yamamoto: Power Indexes in Voting Systems and Multiple-Valued Logic. ISMVL 2007: 35
6EEYoshinori Yamamoto: Extended regular ternary logic functions and majority functions capable of synthesizing any ternary logic function. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(1): 79-90 (2004)
5EEYoshinori Yamamoto: An extension of ternary majority function and its application to evolvable system. ISMVL 2003: 17-23
4 Yoshinori Yamamoto: A Meaningful Infinite-Valued Switching Function - Fuzzy Threshold Function and Its Application to Process Control. ISMVL 1992: 415-422
3 Yoshinori Yamamoto, Masao Mukaidono: P-Functions-Ternary Logic Functions Capable of Correcting Input Failures and Suitable for Treating Ambiguities. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(1): 28-35 (1992)
2 Yoshinori Yamamoto, Shiro Fujita: Relationship Between P-Valued Majority Functions and P-Valued Threshold Functions. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(11): 1442-1445 (1988)
1 Yoshinori Yamamoto, Masao Mukaidono: Meaningful Special Classes of Ternary Logic Functions - Regular Ternary Logic Functions and Ternary Majority Functions. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(7): 799-806 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Shiro Fujita [2]
2Masao Mukaidono [1] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)