
Yasemin Yalçinkaya

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4EEYasemin Yalçinkaya, Trond Steihaug: Aggregating Variables for Asynchronous Iterations. Parallel Processing Letters 15(1-2): 99-114 (2005)
3EEYasemin Yalçinkaya, Trond Steihaug: Reducing the Deteriorating Effect of Old History in Asynchronous Iterations. Euro-Par 2004: 698-707
2EEYasemin Yalçinkaya, Trond Steihaug: An Analytical Model for a Class of Architectures under Master-Slave Paradigm. HPCN Europe 2000: 601-604
1 Trond Steihaug, Yasemin Yalçinkaya: Deteriorating Convergence for Asynchronous Methods on Linear Least Sqare Problems. Euro-Par 1997: 750-759

Coauthor Index

1Trond Steihaug [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)