
Shizhong Xu

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7EEZhenyu Jia, Yipeng Wang, Kai Ye, Qilan Li, Sha Tang, Shizhong Xu, Dan Mercola: Association Study between Gene Expression and Multiple Relevant Phenotypes with Cluster Analysis. EvoBIO 2009: 1-12
6EEZhenyu Jia, Sha Tang, Dan Mercola, Shizhong Xu: Detection of Quantitative Trait Associated Genes Using Cluster Analysis. EvoBIO 2008: 83-94
5EEBin Wu, Kwan Lawrence Yeung, Shizhong Xu: ILP Formulation for p-Cycle Construction Based on Flow Conservation. GLOBECOM 2007: 2310-2314
4EEBin Wu, Kwan Lawrence Yeung, King-Shan Lui, Shizhong Xu: A New ILP-Based p-Cycle Construction Algorithm without Candidate Cycle Enumeration. ICC 2007: 2236-2241
3EEXing Liao, Shizhong Xu, Sheng Wang, Kaiyu Zhou: A Method of Pair-Wise Key Distribution and Management in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks. MSN 2007: 834-844
2EEShizhong Xu, Kaiyu Zhou, Kwan L. Yeung, Victor O. K. Li: Interleaved Traffic Splitting: A promising technique to solve False Timeout. Computer Communications 30(18): 3480-3490 (2007)
1EEYi Qu, Shizhong Xu: Supervised cluster analysis for microarray data based on multivariate Gaussian mixture. Bioinformatics 20(12): 1905-1913 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Zhenyu Jia [6] [7]
2Qilan Li [7]
3Victor O. K. Li [2]
4Xing Liao [3]
5King-Shan Lui [4]
6Dan Mercola [6] [7]
7Yi Qu [1]
8Sha Tang [6] [7]
9Sheng Wang [3]
10Yipeng Wang [7]
11Bin Wu [4] [5]
12Kai Ye [7]
13Kwan Lawrence Yeung (Kwan L. Yeung) [2] [4] [5]
14Kaiyu Zhou [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)