
Lisong Xu

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20EEJie Feng, Zhipeng Ouyang, Lisong Xu, Byrav Ramamurthy: Packet reordering in high-speed networks and its impact on high-speed TCP variants. Computer Communications 32(1): 62-68 (2009)
19EEHan Cai, Do Young Eun, Sangtae Ha, Injong Rhee, Lisong Xu: Stochastic convex ordering for multiplicative decrease internet congestion control. Computer Networks 53(3): 365-381 (2009)
18EEZhipeng Ouyang, Lisong Xu, Byrav Ramamurthy: A Partial Forwarding Scheme for Dynamic Window Resizing in Live P2P Streaming Systems. GLOBECOM 2008: 2285-2290
17EEJie Feng, Lisong Xu: On the Time Scale of TCP-Friendly Admission Control Protocols. ICC 2008: 45-51
16EEYusung Kim, Kilnam Chon, Lisong Xu: Adjusting the Aggregate Throughput of Parallel TCP Flows without Central Coordination. IEICE Transactions 91-B(5): 1615-1618 (2008)
15EEHan Cai, Do Young Eun, Sangtae Ha, Injong Rhee, Lisong Xu: Stochastic Ordering for Internet Congestion Control and its Applications. INFOCOM 2007: 910-918
14EELisong Xu, Josh Helzer: Media streaming via TFRC: An analytical study of the impact of TFRC on user-perceived media quality. Computer Networks 51(17): 4744-4764 (2007)
13EESangtae Ha, Long Le, Injong Rhee, Lisong Xu: Impact of background traffic on performance of high-speed TCP variant protocols. Computer Networks 51(7): 1748-1762 (2007)
12EELisong Xu: Extending equation-based congestion control to high-speed and long-distance networks. Computer Networks 51(7): 1847-1859 (2007)
11EEInjong Rhee, Lisong Xu: Limitations of equation-based congestion control. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 15(4): 852-865 (2007)
10EELisong Xu, Harry G. Perros: Performance analysis of an ingress switch in a JumpStart optical burst switching network. Perform. Eval. 64(4): 315-346 (2007)
9EELisong Xu, Josh Helzer: Media Streaming via TFRC: An Analytical Study of the Impact of TFRC on User-Perceived Media Quality. INFOCOM 2006
8EEInjong Rhee, Ajit Warrier, Jeongki Min, Lisong Xu: DRAND: : distributed randomized TDMA scheduling for wireless ad-hoc networks. MobiHoc 2006: 190-201
7EEInjong Rhee, Lisong Xu: Limitations of equation-based congestion control. SIGCOMM 2005: 49-60
6EELisong Xu, Khaled Harfoush, Injong Rhee: Binary Increase Congestion Control (BIC) for Fast Long-Distance Networks. INFOCOM 2004
5EELisong Xu, Harry G. Perros, George N. Rouskas: A Queueing Network Model of an Edge Optical Burst Switching Node. INFOCOM 2003
4EELisong Xu, Harry G. Perros, George N. Rouskas: A simulation study of optical burst switching and access protocols for WDM ring networks. Computer Networks 41(2): 143-160 (2003)
3EELisong Xu, Harry G. Perros, George N. Rouskas: Access protocols for optical burst-switched ring networks. Inf. Sci. 149(1-3): 75-81 (2003)
2 Lisong Xu, Harry G. Perros, George N. Rouskas: Access Protocols for Optical burst-Switched Ring Networks. JCIS 2002: 1287-1290
1EELisong Xu, Harry G. Perros, George N. Rouskas: A Simulation Study of Access Protocols for Optical Burst-Switched Ring Networks. NETWORKING 2002: 863-874

Coauthor Index

1Han Cai [15] [19]
2Kilnam Chon [16]
3Do Young Eun [15] [19]
4Jie Feng [17] [20]
5Sangtae Ha [13] [15] [19]
6Khaled Harfoush [6]
7Josh Helzer [9] [14]
8Yusung Kim [16]
9Long Le [13]
10Jeongki Min [8]
11Zhipeng Ouyang [18] [20]
12Harry G. Perros [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [10]
13Byrav Ramamurthy [18] [20]
14Injong Rhee [6] [7] [8] [11] [13] [15] [19]
15George N. Rouskas [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
16Ajit Warrier [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)