
ZhengYou Xia

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5EEHui Lu, ZhengYou Xia: AWT: Aspiration with Timer Search Algorithm in Siguo. Computers and Games 2008: 264-274
4EEZhengYou Xia: Fighting criminals: Adaptive inferring and choosing the next investigative objects in the criminal network. Knowl.-Based Syst. 21(5): 434-442 (2008)
3EEZhengYou Xia, LaiLei Huang: Emergence of Social Rumor: Modeling, Analysis, and Simulations. International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2007: 90-97
2EEZhengYou Xia, YongPing Zhu, Hui Lu: Evaluation Function for Siguo Game Based on Two Attitudes. FSKD 2006: 1322-1331
1EEZhengYou Xia, YunAn Hu: Extending RSVP for Quality of Security Service. IEEE Internet Computing 10(2): 51-57 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1YunAn Hu [1]
2LaiLei Huang [3]
3Hui Lu [2] [5]
4YongPing Zhu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)