
Quincy Wu

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10EEChingChen Chang, Quincy Wu: Design and Architecture of a Portable User Agent in SIP Collaboration Systems. ICIW 2008: 273-278
9EEJiayu Wang, Quincy Wu: Porting VoIP applications to DCCP. Mobility Conference 2008: 8
8EEQuincy Wu, Yan-Hsiang Wang: Building Web-Base SIP Analyzer with Ajax Approach. AINA Workshops (2) 2007: 600-604
7EEChe-Hua Yeh, Quincy Wu, Yi-Bing Lin: SIP Terminal Mobility for both IPv4 and IPv6. ICDCS Workshops 2006: 53
6EEMing-Feng Chen, Yi-Bing Lin, Herman Chung-Hwa Rao, Quincy Wu: A mobile service platform using proxy technology. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6: 17-34 (2006)
5EEShiang-Ming Huang, Quincy Wu, Yi-Bing Lin, Che-Hua Yeh: SIP mobility and IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack supports in 3G IP multimedia subsystem. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6: 585-599 (2006)
4EEShiang-Ming Huang, Quincy Wu, Yi-Bing Lin: Tunneling IPv6 through NAT with Teredo Mechanism. AINA 2005: 813-818
3EESok-Ian Sou, Quincy Wu, Yi-Bing Lin, Che-Hua Yeh: Prepaid mechanism of VoIP and messaging services. ITRE 2005: 255-259
2EEWhai-En Chen, Quincy Wu: Development and Deployment of IPv6-Based SIP VoIP Networks. SAINT Workshops 2005: 76-79
1EEQuincy Wu, Chin Lung Lu, Richard Chia-Tung Lee: The approximability of the weighted Hamiltonian path completion problem on a tree. Theor. Comput. Sci. 341(1-3): 385-397 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1ChingChen Chang [10]
2Ming-Feng Chen [6]
3Whai-En Chen [2]
4Shiang-Ming Huang [4] [5]
5Richard C. T. Lee (Richard Chia-Tung Lee) [1]
6Yi-Bing Lin (Jason Yi-Bing Lin) [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Chin Lung Lu [1]
8Herman Chung-Hwa Rao [6]
9Sok-Ian Sou [3]
10Jiayu Wang [9]
11Yan-Hsiang Wang [8]
12Che-Hua Yeh [3] [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)