
D. J. Wu

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15EEKwong Huang Goh, D. J. Wu, Jo Yew Tham, Tuan Kiang Chiew, Wei Siong Lee: Real-time software MPEG-2 TO H.264 video transcoding. ICME 2008: 165-168
14EERui Dai, Sridhar Narasimhan, D. J. Wu: E-Sourcing: Buyer's Efficient Structure for Purchasing Preparation Process. HICSS 2005
13EED. J. Wu, Paul Kleindorfer, Yanjun Sun: Optimal capacity expansion in the presence of capacity options. Decision Support Systems 40(3-4): 553-561 (2005)
12EED. J. Wu, Min Ding, Lorin M. Hitt: Learning in ERP Contracting: A Principal-Agent Analysis. HICSS 2004
11EEMoti Levi, Paul Kleindorfer, D. J. Wu: Codifiability, Relationship-Specific IT Investment, and Optimal Contracting. HICSS 2003: 189
10EED. J. Wu, Paul Kleindorfer, Yanjun Sun: Optimal Electric Power Capacity Expansion in the Presence of Options. HICSS 2002: 54
9EED. J. Wu, Yanjun Sun: Multi-Agent Bidding and Contracting for Non-Storable Goods. HICSS 2001
8EED. J. Wu, Paul Kleindorfer, Jin E. Zhang: Optimal Bidding and Contracting Strategies in the Deregulated Electric Power Market: Part II. HICSS 2001
7EED. J. Wu, Yanjun Sun: The Emergence of Trust in Multi-Agent Bidding: A Computational Approach. HICSS 2001
6EEGerald L. Lohse, D. J. Wu: Eye Movement Patterns on Chinese Yellow Pages Advertising. Electronic Markets 11(2): (2001)
5EED. J. Wu, Paul Kleindorfer, Jin E. Zhang: Optimal Bidding and Contracting Strategies in the Deregulated Electric Power Market: Part I. HICSS 2000
4EED. J. Wu: Shop Floor Production Community Design: Artificial Agents based Approach. HICSS 2000
3EEPaul Kleindorfer, D. J. Wu, Chitru S. Fernando: Strategic Gaming in Electric Power Markets. HICSS 2000
2EED. J. Wu, Yanjun Sun, Fang Zhong: Organizational Agent Systems for Intelligent Enterprise Modelling. Electronic Markets 10(4): (2000)
1EED. J. Wu: Constraint Programming Applications in Designing Electronic Agents: An Experimental Study. HICSS 1999

Coauthor Index

1Tuan Kiang Chiew [15]
2Rui Dai [14]
3Min Ding [12]
4Chitru S. Fernando [3]
5Kwong Huang Goh [15]
6Lorin M. Hitt [12]
7Paul Kleindorfer [3] [5] [8] [10] [11] [13]
8Wei Siong Lee [15]
9Moti Levi [11]
10Gerald L. Lohse [6]
11Sridhar Narasimhan [14]
12Yanjun Sun [2] [7] [9] [10] [13]
13Jo Yew Tham [15]
14Jin E. Zhang [5] [8]
15Fang Zhong [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)