
Chun-Chih Wu

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5EEChun-Chih Wu, Jose Medina, Victor B. Zordan: Simple Steps for Simply Stepping. ISVC (1) 2008: 97-106
4EERonald A. Metoyer, Victor B. Zordan, Benjamin Hermens, Chun-Chih Wu, Marc Soriano: Psychologically Inspired Anticipation and Dynamic Response for Impacts to the Head and Upper Body. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(1): 173-185 (2008)
3EEBill Yuan-chi Chiu, Victor B. Zordan, Chun-Chih Wu: State-annotated motion graphs. VRST 2007: 73-76
2EEVictor B. Zordan, Adriano Macchietto, Jose Medina, Marc Soriano, Chun-Chih Wu, Ronald A. Metoyer, Robert Rose: Anticipation from example. VRST 2007: 81-84
1EEChih-Yi Chiu, Chun-Chih Wu, Yao-Cyuan Wu, Ming-Yang Wu, Shih-Pin Chao, Shi-Nine Yang: Retrieval and constraint-based human posture reconstruction from a single image. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 17(4): 892-915 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Shih-Pin Chao [1]
2Bill Yuan-chi Chiu [3]
3Chih-Yi Chiu [1]
4Benjamin Hermens [4]
5Adriano Macchietto [2]
6Jose Medina [2] [5]
7Ronald A. Metoyer [2] [4]
8Robert Rose [2]
9Marc Soriano [2] [4]
10Ming-Yang Wu [1]
11Yao-Cyuan Wu [1]
12Shi-Nine Yang [1]
13Victor B. Zordan [2] [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)