
William Wong

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8EEGabriela Mancero, William Wong, Paola Amaldi: Looking but not seeing: implications for HCI. ECCE 2007: 167-174
7EESimone Rozzi, Paola Amaldi, William Wong, Bob Field: Operational potential for 3D displays in air traffic control. ECCE 2007: 179-183
6EEDong-Han Ham, Jeongyun Heo, Peter Fossick, William Wong, Sanghyun Park, Chiwon Song, Mike Bradley: Model-Based Approaches to Quantifying the Usability of Mobile Phones. HCI (2) 2007: 288-297
5EEDong-Han Ham, Jeongyun Heo, Peter Fossick, William Wong, Sanghyun Park, Chiwon Song, Mike Bradley: Conceptual framework and models for identifying and organizing usability impact factors of mobile phones. OZCHI 2006: 261-268
4EEJanet Rountree, Robert Hannah, William Wong: A fidemediation framework for virtual objects. IJLT 1(2): 163-178 (2004)
3 Mark D. Apperley, Philip Carter, Clare Churcher, Andy Cockburn, Matt Jones, Brenda Lobb, Kevin Novins, Chris Phillips, William Wong: State of the Art: HCI in New Zealand. INTERACT 2003
2EEJanet Rountree, William Wong, Robert Hannah: Learning to look: real and virtual artifacts. Educational Technology & Society 5(1): (2002)
1 Virginia Conway, William Wong: TAFIM Status and Direction, TAFIM and Interoperability. ICCCN 1995

Coauthor Index

1Paola Amaldi [7] [8]
2Mark D. Apperley [3]
3Mike Bradley [5] [6]
4Philip Carter [3]
5Clare Churcher [3]
6Andy Cockburn [3]
7Virginia Conway [1]
8Bob Field [7]
9Peter Fossick [5] [6]
10Dong-Han Ham [5] [6]
11Robert Hannah [2] [4]
12Jeongyun Heo [5] [6]
13Matt Jones [3]
14Brenda Lobb [3]
15Gabriela Mancero [8]
16Kevin Novins [3]
17Sanghyun Park [5] [6]
18Chris Phillips [3]
19Janet Rountree [2] [4]
20Simone Rozzi [7]
21Chiwon Song [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)