
Kevin Wong

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3EELudovico de Souza, Philip Ryan, Jason Crawford, Kevin Wong, Gregory B. Zyner, Tom McDermott: Prototyping for the Concurrent Development. FPL 2003: 51-60
2EEKevin Wong, Nicolas D. Georganas: Strategies for optimal capacity allocations in DAMA satellite communication systems. Computer Communications 9(1): 26-32 (1986)
1EEKevin Wong, Nicolas D. Georganas: Strategies for optimal capacity allocations in DAMA satellite communication systems. SIGCOMM 1985: 93-99

Coauthor Index

1Jason Crawford [3]
2Nicolas D. Georganas [1] [2]
3Tom McDermott [3]
4Philip Ryan [3]
5Ludovico de Souza [3]
6Gregory B. Zyner [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)