
Markus Won

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13EEVolker Wulf, Volkmar Pipek, Markus Won: Component-based tailorability: Enabling highly flexible software applications. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(1): 1-22 (2008)
12EEChristian Dörner, Volkmar Pipek, Markus Won: Supporting expertise awareness: finding out what others know. CHIMIT 2007: 9
11EEVolkmar Pipek, Markus Won, Roman Englert, Volker Wulf: Tailoring Infrastructures: Supporting Cooperative Work with Configurable Email Filters. CRIWG 2005: 153-167
10EEHolger Mügge, Tobias Rho, Marcel Winandy, Markus Won, Armin B. Cremers, Pascal Costanza, Roman Englert: Towards Context-Sensitive Intelligence. EWSA 2005: 231-238
9EEVolker Wulf, Helge Kahler, Oliver Stiemerling, Markus Won: Tailoring by integration of domain-specific components: the case of a document search tool. Behaviour & IT 24(4): 317-333 (2005)
8EEAnders I. Mørch, Gunnar Stevens, Markus Won, Markus Klann, Yvonne Dittrich, Volker Wulf: Component-based technologies for end-user development. Commun. ACM 47(9): 59-62 (2004)
7 Melanie Gnasa, Markus Won, Armin B. Cremers: Three Pillars for Congenial Web Searching - Continuous Evaluation for enhancing Web Search Effectiveness. J. Web Eng. 3(3-4): 252-280 (2004)
6EEVolkmar Pipek, Philippe Nuderscher, Markus Won: Periphere Wahrnehmung von Expertise. Mensch & Computer 2003
5 Volkmar Pipek, Markus Won: Etablierung von Wissensgemeinschaften in virtuellen Organisationen. Wirtschaftsinformatik (2) 2003: 1-20
4EEMarkus Won, Volkmar Pipek: Sharing Knowledge on Knowledge - The eXact Peripheral Expertise Awareness System. J. UCS 9(12): 1388-1397 (2003)
3 Markus Won, Volker Wulf: A cooperative and easy-to-learn Tailoring Environment for component-based architectures. i-com 3(1): 28- (2003)
2EESascha Alda, Markus Won, Armin B. Cremers: Managing Dependencies in Component-Based Distributed Applications. FIDJI 2002: 143-154
1 Oliver Stiemerling, Markus Won, Volker Wulf: Zugriffskontrolle in Groupware - Ein nutzerorientierter Ansatz. Wirtschaftsinformatik 42(4): 318-328 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Sascha Alda [2]
2Pascal Costanza [10]
3Armin B. Cremers [2] [7] [10]
4Yvonne Dittrich [8]
5Christian Dörner [12]
6Roman Englert [10] [11]
7Melanie Gnasa [7]
8Helge Kahler [9]
9Markus Klann [8]
10Anders I. Mørch [8]
11Holger Mügge [10]
12Philippe Nuderscher [6]
13Volkmar Pipek [4] [5] [6] [11] [12] [13]
14Tobias Rho [10]
15Gunnar Stevens [8]
16Oliver Stiemerling [1] [9]
17Marcel Winandy [10]
18Volker Wulf [1] [3] [8] [9] [11] [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)