
Pawel Wolniewicz

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21EEK. Harald Gjermundrød, Marios D. Dikaiakos, Mathias Stümpert, Pawel Wolniewicz, Harald Kornmayer: g-Eclipse - an integrated framework to access and maintain Grid resources. GRID 2008: 57-64
20EEHarald Kornmayer, Mathias Stümpert, K. Harald Gjermundrød, Pawel Wolniewicz: g-Eclipse - A Contextualised Framework for Grid Users, Grid Resource Providers and Grid Application Developers. ICCS (3) 2008: 399-408
19EEMichal Jankowski, Pawel Wolniewicz, Jirí Denemark, Norbert Meyer, Ludek Matyska: Virtual Environments - Framework for Virtualized Resource Access in the Grid. Euro-Par Workshops 2006: 101-111
18EEMaciej Drozdowski, Pawel Wolniewicz: Optimum divisible load scheduling on heterogeneous stars with limited memory. European Journal of Operational Research 172(2): 545-559 (2006)
17EEJán Astalos, Roberto Cecchini, Brian A. Coghlan, R. Cowles, U. Epting, T. Genovese, J. Gomes, David L. Groep, M. Gug, Andrew Hanushevsky, M. Helm, Jens Jensen, C. Kanellopoulos, David P. Kelsey, R. Marco, I. Neilson, Sophie Nicoud, David O'Callaghan, Darcy Quesnel, I. Schaeffner, L. Shamardin, D. Skow, M. Sova, Anders Wäänänen, Pawel Wolniewicz, Wei Xing: International Grid CA Interworking, Peer Review and Policy Management Through the European DataGrid Certification Authority Coordination Group. EGC 2005: 285-295
16EEJ. Gomes, M. David, J. Martins, L. Bernardo, Ariel García, Markus Hardt, Harald Kornmayer, J. Marco, R. Marco, D. Rodríguez, I. Diaz, D. Cano, José Salt, S. Gonzalez, Javier Sánchez, Farida Fassi, V. Lara, P. Nyczyk, P. Lason, A. Ozieblo, Pawel Wolniewicz, M. Bluj, Krzysztof Nawrocki, Adam Padee, Wojciech Wislicki, C. Fernández, J. Fontán, Yannis Cotronis, Evangelos Floros, George Tsouloupas, Wei Xing, Marios D. Dikaiakos, Ján Astalos, Brian A. Coghlan, Elisa Heymann, Miquel A. Senar, C. Kanellopoulos, A. Ramos, Derek Groen: Experience with the International Testbed in the CrossGrid Project. EGC 2005: 98-110
15EEJirí Denemark, Michal Jankowski, Ales Krenek, Ludek Matyska, Norbert Meyer, Miroslav Ruda, Pawel Wolniewicz: Best Practices of User Account Management with Virtual Organization Based Access to Grid. PPAM 2005: 633-642
14EEMiroslaw Kupczyk, Rafal Lichwala, Norbert Meyer, Bartosz Palak, Marcin Plóciennik, Pawel Wolniewicz: "Applications on demand" as the exploitation of the Migrating Desktop. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(1): 37-44 (2005)
13EEMiroslaw Kupczyk, Rafal Lichwala, Norbert Meyer, Bartosz Palak, Marcin Plóciennik, Maciej Stroinski, Pawel Wolniewicz: The Migrating Desktop as a GUI Framework for the "Applications on Demand" Concept. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 91-98
12 Miroslaw Kupczyk, Rafal Lichwala, Norbert Meyer, Bartosz Palak, Marcin Plóciennik, Pawel Wolniewicz: Migrating desktop interface for several grid infrastructures. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2004: 183-188
11EEMaciej Drozdowski, Pawel Wolniewicz: Performance limits of divisible load processing in systems with limited communication buffers. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(8): 960-973 (2004)
10EEMiroslaw Kupczyk, Rafal Lichwala, Norbert Meyer, Bartek Palak, Marcin Plóciennik, Pawel Wolniewicz: Mobile Work Environment for Grid Users. European Across Grids Conference 2003: 132-138
9EEJ. Gomes, M. David, J. Martins, L. Bernardo, J. Marco, R. Marco, D. Rodríguez, José Salt, S. Gonzalez, Javier Sánchez, A. Fuentes, Markus Hardt, Ariel García, P. Nyczyk, A. Ozieblo, Pawel Wolniewicz, M. Bluj, Krzysztof Nawrocki, Adam Padee, Wojciech Wislicki, C. Fernández, J. Fontán, A. Gómez, I. López, Yannis Cotronis, Evangelos Floros, George Tsouloupas, Wei Xing, Marios D. Dikaiakos, Ján Astalos, Brian A. Coghlan, Elisa Heymann, Miquel A. Senar, G. Merino, C. Kanellopoulos, G. Dick van Albada: First Prototype of the CrossGrid Testbed. European Across Grids Conference 2003: 67-77
8EEDaniela Ferro, Vincenzo Antonuccio-Delogu, Ugo Becciani, Norbert Meyer, Bartek Palak, Marcin Plóciennik, Pawel Wolniewicz, Stefano Beco: A Multi Dimensional Visualization and Analysis Toolkit for Astrophysics. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 1032-1041
7EEMichal Kosiedowski, Miroslaw Kupczyk, Rafal Lichwala, Norbert Meyer, Bartek Palak, Marcin Plóciennik, Pawel Wolniewicz, Stefano Beco: Mobile Work Environment for Grid Users. Grid Applications' Framework. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 1052-1058
6 Maciej Drozdowski, Pawel Wolniewicz: Divisible Load Scheduling in Systems with Limited Memory. Cluster Computing 6(1): 19-29 (2003)
5EEMaciej Drozdowski, Pawel Wolniewicz: Out-of-Core Divisible Load Processing. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(10): 1048-1056 (2003)
4EEMiroslaw Kupczyk, Marcin Lawenda, Norbert Meyer, Pawel Wolniewicz: Using Virtual User Account System for Managing Users Account. HPCN Europe 2001: 587-590
3EEPawel Wolniewicz, Maciej Drozdowski: Processing Time and Memory Requirements for Multi-instalment Divisible Job Processing. PPAM 2001: 125-136
2EEMaciej Drozdowski, Pawel Wolniewicz: Experiments with Scheduling Divisible Tasks in Clusters of Workstations. Euro-Par 2000: 311-319
1 W. Dymaczewski, Norbert Meyer, Maciej Stroinski, Pawel Wolniewicz: Virtual User Account System for Distributed Batch Processing. HPCN Europe 1999: 1231-1234

Coauthor Index

1G. Dick van Albada [9]
2Vincenzo Antonuccio-Delogu [8]
3Ján Astalos [9] [16] [17]
4Ugo Becciani [8]
5Stefano Beco [7] [8]
6L. Bernardo [9] [16]
7M. Bluj [9] [16]
8D. Cano [16]
9Roberto Cecchini [17]
10Brian A. Coghlan [9] [16] [17]
11Yannis Cotronis (John Yiannis Cotronis) [9] [16]
12R. Cowles [17]
13M. David [9] [16]
14Jirí Denemark [15] [19]
15I. Diaz [16]
16Marios D. Dikaiakos [9] [16] [21]
17Maciej Drozdowski [2] [3] [5] [6] [11] [18]
18W. Dymaczewski [1]
19U. Epting [17]
20Farida Fassi [16]
21C. Fernández [9] [16]
22Daniela Ferro [8]
23Evangelos Floros [9] [16]
24J. Fontán [9] [16]
25A. Fuentes [9]
26Ariel García [9] [16]
27T. Genovese [17]
28K. Harald Gjermundrød [20] [21]
29J. Gomes [9] [16] [17]
30A. Gómez [9]
31S. Gonzalez [9] [16]
32Derek Groen [16]
33David L. Groep [17]
34M. Gug [17]
35Andrew Hanushevsky [17]
36Markus Hardt [9] [16]
37M. Helm [17]
38Elisa Heymann [9] [16]
39Michal Jankowski [15] [19]
40Jens Jensen [17]
41C. Kanellopoulos [9] [16] [17]
42David P. Kelsey [17]
43Harald Kornmayer [16] [20] [21]
44Michal Kosiedowski [7]
45Ales Krenek [15]
46Miroslaw Kupczyk [4] [7] [10] [12] [13] [14]
47V. Lara [16]
48P. Lason [16]
49Marcin Lawenda [4]
50Rafal Lichwala [7] [10] [12] [13] [14]
51I. López [9]
52J. Marco [9] [16]
53R. Marco [9] [16] [17]
54J. Martins [9] [16]
55Ludek Matyska [15] [19]
56G. Merino [9]
57Norbert Meyer [1] [4] [7] [8] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [19]
58Krzysztof Nawrocki [9] [16]
59I. Neilson [17]
60Sophie Nicoud [17]
61P. Nyczyk [9] [16]
62David O'Callaghan [17]
63A. Ozieblo [9] [16]
64Adam Padee [9] [16]
65Bartek Palak [7] [8] [10]
66Bartosz Palak [12] [13] [14]
67Marcin Plóciennik [7] [8] [10] [12] [13] [14]
68Darcy Quesnel [17]
69A. Ramos [16]
70D. Rodríguez [9] [16]
71Miroslav Ruda [15]
72José Salt [9] [16]
73Javier Sánchez [9] [16]
74I. Schaeffner [17]
75Miquel A. Senar [9] [16]
76L. Shamardin [17]
77D. Skow [17]
78M. Sova [17]
79Maciej Stroinski [1] [13]
80Mathias Stümpert [20] [21]
81George Tsouloupas [9] [16]
82Anders Wäänänen [17]
83Wojciech Wislicki [9] [16]
84Wei Xing [9] [16] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)